
Scan, mise en page, vérification, correction, liens HT, actualisation, pour H.I, et Novomeo, Mai 2016, Dr. Robert Séror.
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(Report of a clinical Lecture by Dr. Wurmb, in the Second Homoeopathic Hospital, Vienna)


Belladonna excites simultaneously the nervous and vascular systems, and is hence indicated neither in pure inflammatory, fever, nor in pure nervous fever, but as a kind of amphibious remedy in that condition in which the symptoms of both appear, — in the "neurophlogosen" of Schönlein, in the "febris inflammatoria nervosa" of Vogt, — hence not in pure phlegmonous inflammation nor in pure spasm but in inflammatory spasm.


I/ VASCULAR SYSTEM. Strongly excited ; most of all the capillary system, in which the effects of Belladonna are especially manifest in the skin, throat, head and lungs, constituting an affection very similar to scarlatina.

(According to Schönlein, the scarlatina pulse is present.)

Belladonna is the Aconite of the capillary vascular system.


II/ VEGETATION. Skin and mucous membranes, are attacked ; hence, dryness of the throat and constriction, increased thirst, diminished secretions, burning and spasms of the stomach.


III/ Although Belladonna affects powerfully the GLANDULAR SYSTEM, yet it gives no especial characteristic indication.


IV/ NERVOUS SYSTEM. Exaltation, alienation, and depression, the last only from large doses (bad provings), and affording no special indication.


This affection of the nervous system depends not only upon the encephalon but also upon the spinal cord ; and the sensitive as well as the motor nerves are affected ; hence pains, convulsions, and tonic spasms, are first induced, and finally paralysis.

Upon the ganglionic system Belladonna acts as a depressing agent.


Characteristic. 1. Pain. Oppression, pressing, from within outward and vice versa, also throbbing.

The pain comes on suddenly, rises quickly to its greatest intensity, and suddenly vanishes or changes its seat.

It is aggravated in the evening and at night by coffee, wine, vinegar (hence vinegar is no antidote) ; ameliorated by pressure and compression.



1/ Inflammation of the ear, erysipelatous ditto of the throat and fauces with constriction, which serves to distinguish Belladonna from Mercurius and from Nitric Acid, which last is indicated where aphthae appear on the tonsils.

Also in malignant angina.


2/ In pneumonia, typhus, and acute catarrh, with cerebral complications.

Tussis convulsiva more frequently requires other remedies, as Hyoscyamus, Sulphur, Veratrum and Cuprum.


3/ Abdominal affections.Flatulent colic, sausage-like inflation of the colon with pain in the umbilical region.

Hernia, in inflammatory condition.

Hepatic congestion.

Icterus inflammatorius.

Haemorrhoids with constriction of the sphincter.


4/ Nervous affections. Melancholy during pregnancy and the puerperal state.

Spasm with consciousness (peculiar to Belladonna).

Mania. Delirium tremens.

Hydrophobia (Wurmb has no experience ; would incline to expect more from the animal poisons).


5/ Nervous accidents. 1. Clonic spasms in the upper part of the body. Epilepsy.

Chorea (with reference always to the genius of the remedy).

? Congestio ad caput.

Disturbed menstruation. Raphania.


2. Pain.

a.Prosopalgia Forthergillii (also Ferrum Carbonicum) in cases in which there is simultaneous vascular excitement

In purely nervous cases it is not indicated. (Spigelia preferable.)

b. Toothache ; gums inflamed ; aggravated by cold.

c. Sleeplessness, especially of plethoric children. From nervous over-excitement. (Coffea.)

d. Certain particular nervous maladies.

1. Febris nervosa versatilis of the ancients, or typhus in which the abdominal ulcers are wanting ; 2. Typhus cerebralis ; 3. Febris intermittens apoplectica.


6/ Vascular diseases.

1.Congestion. Pain in sinciput ; great sensibility to air and noise ; roaring in the head, sparks before the eyes, especially in amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea ; apoplexy and its prodromena.

In short, in every case in which the allopath would resort to venesection.

An antidote to Hyoscyamus.


2. Inflammation.

a. Of the brain and membranes, especially in metastasis from scarlatina ; delirium ferox, dilated pupils, red face, spasms.

In children during dentition (when the irritation is too great for Chamomilla) ; when tonic spasms occur (compare Hyoscyamus and Stramonium).

The large cerebrum of children disposes them to this affection ; hence Belladonna is appropriate as prophylactic.


b. Ophthalmic.

1. Scrofulous ophthalmia, as an intercurrent remedy in case of photophobia with vascular injection (without this, Conium) and dryness of the eyes.

2/ Catarrhal ophthalmia, with dryness of throat and cough.

3/ Arthritic ophthalmia.

4/ Internal ophthalmia, amblyopia and recent amaurosis.


7/ Sexual diseases. Metrophlebitis even in metastasis to the parotid, the joints, etc.

Mania puerperalis.

Orgasm to the uterus.

Menses copious, black, clotted.

A pressing outward.

Cutting lumbar pains extending round to hypogastrium.

Sensibility of the uterus.

Affections before and after menstruation.

Labor-pains deficient from non-dilatation (rigidity) of the os uteri.


8/ Skin.

1. Scarlatina, — the smooth variety, not the miliary.

In ordinary scarlatina Aconite and Belladonna alternately.

Also the same as prophylactics. Wurmb always succeeds giving them in small doses (30) one remedy each day in a single dose.

Measles with affection of the head and throat.

Erysipelas, smooth form (the vesicular, Rhus).

External erysipelatous inflammation of the ears.


2. Glands. Inflammation of the salivary glands with affection of the head.

For the inguinal glands and testes slight affinity.

Inflammation of axillary glands during the climacteric period, and when the swelling remains stationary and resembles scirrhus and is worse during menstruation.

Degeneration of the mamma, and erysipelatoid inflammation, but not traumatic inflammation, in which Arnica in small doses in indicated. Inflammation of the uterus with great hemorrhage, pressing outward.


(Report of a clinical Lecture by Dr. Wurmb, in the Second Homoeopathic Hospital, Vienna)