16 Remedies : No. I. Hepar sulphuris calcareum (<>), No. II. Conium maculatum (<>), No. III. Mercurius (<>), No. IV. Aconite (<>), No. V. Calcarea carbonica (<>), No. VI. Bryonia alba (<>), No VII. Rhus toxicodendron (<>), No. VIII. Colchicum autumnale (<>), No IX. Ledum palustre (<>), No X. Sepia (<>), No XI Graphites (<>), No XII Ipeca (<>), No XIII China (<>), No. XIV. Phosphorus (<>), No. XV. Chamomilla (<>), No. XVI. Nux vomica (<>).
With compilation from Dr. Kaspar Lectures
16 Remedies : No. I. Hepar sulphuris calcareum (<>), No. II. Conium maculatum (<>), No. III. Mercurius (<>), No. IV. Aconite (<>), No. V. Calcarea carbonica (<>), No. VI. Bryonia alba (<>), No VII. Rhus toxicodendron (<>), No. VIII. Colchicum autumnale (<>), No IX. Ledum palustre (<>), No X. Sepia (<>), No XI Graphites (<>), No XII Ipeca (<>), No XIII China (<>), No. XIV. Phosphorus (<>), No. XV. Chamomilla (<>), No. XVI. Nux vomica (<>).
We profess to prescribe according to the "totality of the symptoms."
But by this we are far from meaning to imply that each symptom is considered and prescribed for, independently of all the other symptoms. On the contrary, while on the one hand, every symptom must be taken into consideration as indispensable to a true "picture of the disease," and hence, in this view, no one symptom can be said to be less important than another ; yet, on the other hand, the symptoms vary among themselves in rank. Some are primary or idiopathic, others are reflex or sympathetic.
The latter are as important to a "picture of the disease" as the former, but they are important not simply as symptoms, but as sympathetic symptoms. Now, to form a diagnosis is to distinguish from among the whole number of symptoms, the idiopathic and sympathetic symptoms, to attribute each symptom, whether idiopathic or sympathetic, to the organ or tissue which is in reality its seat, and to form a just notion of the pathological condition of that organ or tissue. That it is necessary for us to make such a diagnosis before prescribing, follows at once frorn the rationale of a homceopathic prescription.
The homoeopathic practitioner having got "a picture the disease he is about to treat, i. e., having got the "totality of the symptoms," proceeds to compare this picture with the pathogeneses of various drugs. Now, these pathogeneses are themselves "pictures of disease ;" they are symptoms of drug-disease.
As such, they are divisible into idiopathic and sympathetic symptoms ; the organs, or tissues, in which they have their seat, and the pathological conditions of these organs, may be various. In seeking a drug whose symptoms shall correspond most nearly to those of the disease to be treated, it is evidently necessary to seek a drug, the idiopathic symptoms of which shall correspond to the idiopathic symptoms of the disease, and the sympathetic to the sympathetic ; a drug, too, whose symptoms of either variety shall have the same seat as the analogous symptoms of the disease, and shall result from a similar pathological condition.
But we cannot select this drug without having previously formed a diagnosis, not merely of the disease to be treated, but also of the various drug-diseases or pathogeneses that constitute our Materia Medica. This necessity may be illustrated by a reference to errors into which a neglect of it leads us. Spontaneous vomiting of bile by a child may be an idiopathic symptoms indicating abdominal derangement ; or, it may be merely sympathetic of cerebral disturbance.
Several drugs produce vomiting of bile ; some directly or idiopathically, by affecting the digestive organs ; others, by a reflex or sympathetic action, their primary action being on the nervous centers. According to our diagnosis of the disease in the child, and of the drug-disease, we should give under the one view, Nux vomica, Ipecacuanha, or their analogues ; or, under the other, Belladonna. Again, depraved appetite, convulsive movements, distorted vision, a peculiar aspect of distress, may be the idiopathic expression of disorder in the nervous centers, or may be sympathetic with irritation produced by entozoa. In the one case we should select a remedy which affects the nervous centers idiopathically, as Belladonna or its analogues ; and in the other a remedy which acts idiopathically on the vegetative sphere, and affects the nervous centers sympathetically, as Cina.
Neglect to distinguish between these varieties of symptoms has led compliers of manuals to recommend Cina in hydrocephalus.
Moreover, it is requisite to determine the seat of the symptoms, both in the disease and in the pathogenesis. Pain and tenderness in the right iliac region, with local heat and fever, may have their seat in the cellular tissue, in the muscular or peritoneal layers, in the caecum, or even, at certain times, in the ovary. So might similar symptoms in a pathogenesis arise from a pathological condition of these .various tissues. Evidently we cannot select our remedy with certainty of its adaptedness, unless we make a diagnosis both of the disease and of the pathogeneses of the drugs.
Again, tenderness in the coxofemoral region, pain on moving the limb, and on pressing the great trochanter in toward the acetabulum, may have its seat in the tissues of the joint, or in the nerves that supply that region. And we have drugs that affect the tissues of the joint, and others that affect the nerves in question. We must select the former if the joint, and the latter if the nerves be affected ; and in order to make the selection we must previously make the twofold diagnosis so often urged. Neglect of this has led to the erroneous recommendation of Colocynth in hip-joint disease.
A twofold diagnosis, then, is a necessary preliminary to a properly conducted homoeopathic prescription.
The diagnosis of the disease to be treated is to be made, of course, where the disease is encountered, at the bedside. But the diagnosis of the drug-diseases constitutes the systematic study of the Materia Medica.
Our provings are a mass of symptoms, for the systematic study of which some feasible method has been long a desideratum. Their study and arrangement under the form of a diagnosis furnish a method well calculated to fix the characteristics of the drug in the memory, and at the same time, as we have shown, practically useful to the prescriber.
Dr. Watzke and Dr. Kaspar, resident physicians in Wurmb's Homoeopathic Hospital, in Vienna, have arranged a number of remedies in the form of a diagnosis, the exposition of which constituted the matter of lectures on Materia Medica, delivered by Dr. Kaspar at the Hospital, in the summer of 1851. [ These lectures the author attended. ED. ]
The substance of sixteen lectures by Dr. Kaspar follows, from which the scope and aim of the analysis will be evident ; and it may not be amiss to suggest that these analyses are designed rather as aids in the study of Materia Medica than as direct guides for practice, and that, being greatly condensed, they require diligent study and constant comparison with the Hahnemannian pathogeneses.
No. I. Hepar sulphuris calcareum.
Hepar has many close relations with Mercurius. The distinction between them is, in fact, rather negative than positive. Almost all the symptoms of Hepar are found under Mercurius, but not all those of Mercurius under Hepar.
Hepar, like Mercurius, develops its effects in the vegetative processes. Yet, whereas Mercurius increases to excess the whole secretive activity, and thereby produces emaciation (i. e., by excessive secretion, salivation, diarrhea, diaphoresis), the same character belongs to Hepar in a much less degree.
Hence Hepar produces no putrid collapse, makes no penetrating impression upon, and alteration of the vital processes ; hence, too, it exerts no visible reflex action upon the nervous life, as Mercurius. While the resolutive, alterative action of Mercurius extends even to the formation of new secreting organs (abscess, secreting pus), Hepar possesses no such power. In the action of Hepar, appears, in a slighter degree, the tendency to abnormal secretion, and the resulting symptoms have, for the most part, quite a different pathological foundation from that of analogous symptoms of Mercurius.
The effects of Hepar appear most distinctly in the lymphatic system, the activity of which it excites in a high degree ; and hence it either, on the one hand, increases the absorptive activity of the lymphatic system, or else, on the other, causes a too abundant collection of lymph in the glands, and, in consequence, obstruction, inflammation, and suppuration of the glands. We find, therefore, among the symptoms of Hepar, a great number indicating this character, and we find the greatest number of symptoms in those parts of the body in which the lymphatic vessels are most abundant, neck, shoulder, bend of the elbow, dorsum of the foot, etc.
On the increased resorption, on the other hand, depend a number of other symptoms in other organs, especially in those in which the lymphatic vascular system is highly developed.
Although I have so strongly insisted on this, as the sphere of action of Hepar, I would not be understood to deny to it any farther action. The excitation of organic activity can never be circumscriber to a few determinate functions.
If the resorptive activity of the lymphatic be increased, so will be also that of the venous system. The excretions will be altered in quantity and in quality.
The action of Hepar is upon the periphery directly. Hence we find congestion of the skin and mucous membranes ; and, in consequence, redness, heat, swelling in a word, an inflammatory condition shown by prickings, elevations of the skin, rhagades ; a slight degree of suppuration manifesting itself in rhagades, pustules, nodes, tubercles, ulcers, also flashes of heat, and dull redness of parts rich in blood lips, cheeks, conjunctiva, etc.
Partly in this way, and partly also by the fact of engorgement and obstruction of the lymphatic glands, we may explain the symptoms which appear in the skin.
Mucous Membranes. These are similarly excited. Their secretion is not greatly increased. Often, indeed, it is diminished ; and it is always thickened. The watery portion being immediately absorbed again, the, secretion becomes viscous, even membranous.
1/ In the Intestinal Tract, Hepar must produce diminution of action ; hence anorexia, nausea, vomiting, acid eructations, alienated taste, development of gas, etc., and, above all, enfeebled peristaltic action, and this, again, causes pain (meteorismus) and difficult evacuation even of soft faces.
Add to these considerations, the irritation of the mucous membrane consequent on the great number of lymphatic vessels in it, and we may explain the several sensations and pains in the alimentary tract, especially the frequent tenesmus and aggravation after every stool. The stools are green, yellowish-brown, often mixed with blood.
2/ In the Respiratory Organs we find a similar condition, various sensations indicating thickening of the secretions ; hence, difficult respiration, laborious, dry cough. This condition, together with the puffy tumefaction of the mucous membrane, which usually accompanies such a condition, will explain to us the symptoms which we find especially in the larynx.
3/ In the Urinary Mucous Membrane appears the same state of chemosis. Urine is scanty and dark, with abundant salts so that, when evacuated, it is already turbid, or else it soon becomes so.
4/ The Salivary Glands are excited to a more abundant secretion.
The action of Hepar on the Sanguine Vascular System may be easily determined ; for if it excites one portion of this system, the remaining portions must of necessity be also excited, though in a less degree. Hence, febrile symptoms are not wanting. They are still more clearly pronounced when a somewhat violent inflammatory excitement has manifested itself, producing its reflex action on the organism.
The general vascular excitement, however, can never assume-the character of pure, intense, synocha.
The relations of Hepar to the Sexual System are unimportant. The menses appear too early, and are too copious.
Sensations. As every revulsion of the vegetative processes provokes various sensations, so does that produced by Hepar.
It is to be remarked, that pains, strictly speaking, are seldom excited by it. The more frequent sensations are itching, pricking, rending, and feeling as if beaten. [ The Germans distinguish between Pain (Schmerz) and Sensation (Gefiihl). Pain is partial, as to extent, and determinate, as to seat, e.g., sticking in the shoulder. Sensation is general, as to extent, and indefinite, as to seat, e. g., oppression, lassitude, itching.]
(In inflamed parts, however, burning, sticking, and tearing pains-are experienced.)
Such sensations will be especially felt in parts where lymphatic vessels course in greatest numbers, the axilla, bend of the elbow, etc. : thus we have heat, redness, and pain from the fingers to the shoulders ; needle stickings, itching in the fingers, swelling in the fingers, and the same-condition in the thigh, ham, dorsum of the foot and the toes.
Characteristic Symptoms.
1/ Pains. Various. Especially pressing and general sensations.
2/ Aggravation of Condition. At night, and by exposure to cold.
3/ Thickening of the secretions, swelling, inflammation and suppuration of the glands.
Indications for Administration.
Hepar may be indicated :
1/ In diseases of acute, sub-acute, and chronic form.
2/ In diseases occurring in lymphatico-phlegmatic individuals, with white delicate skin, blond hair, disposition to glandular swellings.
3/ In all cases of glandular affection, as well for the collective chronic process as for the individual acute exacerbations ; all scrofulous and tuberculous affections ; enlargement, inflammation, and suppuration of all lymphatic glands, especially those of the neck ; a similar condition of the cellular tissue. Hence it is indicated in mesenteric diseases of children ; in frequently recurring angina ; in inflammation of the salivary, cervical, and inguinal glands ; panaris ; inflammation of the eyelids ; discharge of prostatic fluid.
4/ All kinds of inflammation which pass into suppuration ; purulent exudations (pleurities) ; abscess (for maturation, Mercurius is preferable) ; hip-joint disease (caries).
5/ Inflammation terminating in solid, membranous exudations ; acute catarrh ; laryngeal croup (after use of Aconite) ; lymphangioitis, as well external as uterine ; phlegmasia alba dolens ; whooping-cough, after the stage of inflammation ( ?).
6/ Abscesses and analogous formations.
7/ The Mercurial Cachexy. Calvities after Mercury ; salivary fistula.
8/ Cutaneous Affections. Crusta lactea ; Tinea ; Erysipelas (after Belladonna) in scrofulous individuals. Generally in scrofulous skin-diseases.
No. II. Conium maculatum.
Conium belongs to that class of remedies which alter the vegetative vital process in all its relations.
Among the vegetative functions, that of resorption suffers the first and most marked alteration, being diminished in activity or completely arrested.
The great representative of this function is the lymphatic system, on which, therefore, Conium exerts its primary and most striking action.
Next in degree, and of the same nature, is its action on the venous system.
The diminution of the vitality of this system involves, on the one hand, diminished general absorption, and on the other, retarded circulation of the absorbed fluids.
Hence, collections form in parenchymata and cavities, either in the form of fluid infiltration or exudation, or as hard tumors.
In the lymphatics themselves depositions occur, which sometimes give rise to tumors. Such collections are hostile to the organism ; they serve as excitants to the surrounding tissues ; hence, an inflammatory condition not unfrequently arises in these formations, which leads to their destruction. In some cases, however, the contrary takes place, and the organ attacked becomes altered.
On these general pathological momenta depend the following Conium symptoms.
Skin. Tuberculous eruption, passing over into Furunculi ; Petechiae ; Erysipelatous cutaneous inflammations ; Gutta Rosacea ; Ulcers ; Gangrenous ulcers.
Glands. Various pains, generally sticking or cutting, especially in the mamma and mesenteric glands.
Induration, suppuration, and alternation of the same ; hordeola ; swelling of the tonsils.
Pains in the liver.
Inflammation of the prepuce.
Pressing in prostate, and discharge of prostatic juice.
Orchitis ; pain and swelling of testes.
The various symptoms in the breast and abdomen indicate that the glands are attacked ; but the fact needs anatomical demonstration.
The general disturbance of the resorptive function probably depends on paralysis of the ganglionic system, in consequence of which all the vegetative functions must be more or less disturbed.
Vascular System. The vascular system loses its energy.
The circulation becomes irregular, universally retarded and enfeebled.
Whatever excitation there may be depends rather upon local causes than upon general stimulus.
Hence, the general thermogenesis will be rather below the normal standard ; but it may be partially increased.
Consequently, in the Conium fever, coldness predominates ; the pulse is slow and small. (Still, the contrary may occur ; the pulse may be quick and strong, and the heat partially increased).
The blood in the venous system, therefore, will be propelled slowly ; hence, this system will be gorged ; this will be especially manifest in the abdomen. The blood does not receive, on the one hand, the needed reparation, or, on the other, the necessary elaboration ; it consequently tends to fluidity and decomposition. Accordingly, cyanosis, ecchymosis, ulceration, and haemorrhage may easily and often be provoked.
The results of every impediment of the circulation are manifested, rather in the periphery ; hence, several inflammatory conditions produced by Conium. More frequently, however, the same cause favors the origin of infiltrations. By virtue of these tendencies we have inflammations of the eyes and eyelids, hordeola, inflammatory epistaxis, hemorrhage from swollen livid gums, irritable state of the throat, bleeding ulcers, hematuria, and inflammatory symptoms in the urinary organs.
From what has been said of the general primary action of Conium, its reflex effect on the individual functions of the vegetative sphere necessarily follow. We mention the conditions of its action in general terms and in specialties.
The vegetation in general is depressed ; this is shown by emaciation and change of color.
The secretions are in general diminished, because interstitial absorption is diminished ; for secretion must necessarily proceed pari passu with absorption ; and wherever this is not the case, the increase of secretion over absorption must be only in consequence of some local irritation, e. g., increase of salivary, lachrymal, and prostatic secretions.
Hence, vomiting is rarely produced by Conium. And, since Conium furnishes scanty secretions, the stool is, for the most part, retained and scanty. Urine is scanty ; the mucous membrane of the urino-genital system is, for the most part dry. The menses are retained or retarded.
As specialty, it may be remarked that the intestines stand in nearer relation to Conium than the stomach does (probably because of their more intimate connection with the mesenteric glands), and that the most various symptoms are produced in them. The stool is generally scanty, with flatulence and pain before evacuation. If the stools are abundant and watery, so is the urine. The evacuation of urine is attended by violent pressing and by burning. The sweat is, for the most part, only partial, and is then accompanied by heat.
Nervous System. The action of Conium on the nervous system is considerable, yet certainly of minor importance and often secondary, showing itself in spasms of various kinds ; it centers in the sensorium, where depression predominates.
Sexual System. The special relation of Conium to the sexual organs, especially the female, is very important. Its action is especially manifest in the breast and uterus, producing in these organs swelling, changes arrested, or abnormal secretion.
Condition. The Conium symptoms are aggravated at night and early in the morning.
1/ Alters the vegetative functions by altering or modifying resorption ; infiltrations or collections result, which tend to decomposition. Increased venosity, and finally depraved nutrition ; effects especially evident in the lymphatic system and in all glands, and among these first, the mesenteric.
2/ Glands. In closest relation with female sex and mamma.
3/ Nervous System,. Secondary Symptoms, manifested by spasms.
4/ Secretions. In general diminished.
5/ Pains. No particular character.
6/ Aggravation. Night and early morning
Application. Conium corresponds to lymphatic, blond, pale individuals ; to children, especially those with large, soft abdomens, and tendency to glandular enlargements and cutaneous eruptions ; to women, especially in connection with uterine diseases or with leucorrhoea ; to women in the climacteric period ; to old women with collections in the uterus ; to pregnant women ; also to individuals who are easily excited ; to hypochondriacs.
Diseases in general. All those dyscrasias whose development begins by deposition in the glandular system. Tuberculosis and scrofulosis, especially when these dyscrasias concentrate in the mesenteric glands ; when, moreover, they evince rather a passive character, and do not run a rapid course, but gradually form deposits, and thereby give rise to partial congestions ; in the first periods of such affections, so long as there is no especial colliquation, and while the secretions are in general diminished. (If, on the other hand, they show an active character, Hepar is indicated ; when colliquation has set in, Mercurius.)
1/ Tuberculosis Meseraica. Tuberculosis glandularum maxillarum colli. Angina in tuberculosis without fever (Conium alternated with Hepar).
2/ Scrofulous and Tuberculous Cutaneous Affections, especially lupus sub-cutaneous ; tubercles of the skin ; papules with a white secretion.
3/ Scrofulous and Sub-acute Ophthalmia, with great photophobia especially, affection and suppuration of the Meibomian glands ; formation of tubercles on the eyelids ; conjunctivitis, with little or no mucous secretion ; keratitis, especially when nebulae form ; also chronic nebulae.
4/ Scrofulous Affection of the Ears, with swelling of the parotids ; albuminous, watery otorrhoea.
5/ Scrofulous swelling of the nose. Ozona.
6/ Scrofulous Spinal Affection. Pott's curvature ; softening of vertebral column ; scrofulous coxalgia, which develops slowly ; scrofulous and tuberculous caries.
7/ In Fibrous Scirrhus, in so far at least as at the beginning, it consists of albuminous infiltration, Conium may be of service ; but generally when an affection of this kind in the mammary or axillary gland is presented to our notice, it is too late for its removal. If, however, rational symptoms or hereditary taint give reason to anticipate or suspect the commencement of such an affection, Conium would certainly be among the most useful remedies, yet the symptoms of Conium have rather the character of those of infarctus than of developed fibroides, in which the knife alone avails.
[[ The later English authors are disposed to confine the term Scirrhus to the first stage of Cancer, before ulceration takes place Scirrhus, then, is always a malignant affection. The Germans apply the term, however, indifferently to such benign or malignant tumors as from their physical character, hardness, merit the name. From this character, the benign fibrous tumor (fibroides of Rokitansky) of the uterus or mamma is often called Scirrhus. It is to this species of tumor, and not to the malignant Cancer in its first stage, that Conium is applicable, and even in this to benign fibroides only in the formative stage.
During the year 1851, two patients in Dr. Wurmb's Hospital, in Vienna, in whom fibrous tumor of the uterus was clearly recognized, were treated with Conium. In one, the tumor disappeared ; in the other, it had greatly diminished in size, when she refused further treatment.
C. D. ]]
8/ Induration in general of mamma and uterus (as well after reduction of inflammation as in chronic form), with discharge of mucus. All indurations ; not so markedly indicated, however, in indurations resulting from inflammation.
9/ For the Carcinomatous diathesis Conium can do nothing, even in the beginning.
10/ In Atrophy of mamma and uterus, Conium may be useful ; the conditions to which Conium corresponds often coinciding with atrophy ; numerous observations show its especial applicability to affections of old women.
11/ Results of Contusions ; hence, after difficult or instrumental labor.
12/ Since the conditions already named are mostly conjoined with discharge, Conium may be considered as antileucorrhoeic. Chlorosis, amenorrhea, and dysmenorrhea, when they depend on the same cause, indicate Conium ; yet these symptoms may be independent, and may still coincide with the symptoms of Conium. To the same category belong also sterility, milk-tumors, and affections caused by the sudden removal of the child from the breast.
13/ Affections of the Intestinal canal ; seldom when these are primary, chiefly when they are combined with, or rather are consequent upon, a general condition indicating Conium. Vomiting during pregnancy ; diseases of the intestinal canal in tuberculous and scrofulous persons, especially scrofulous children.
14./ Dry, nightly, tickling cough, especially in scrofulous or aged persons ; evening dyspnea ; pertussis, with much vomiting ; asthma senile.
15./ Feeble condition of old women and men ; hysteria ; hypochondriasis in chaste wedlock.
No. III. Mercurius.
Mercurius has been well proved. Its symptoms are chiefly objective.
1/ Its only primary effects are on the vegetative sphere, which it affects in the highest degree, both quantitively and qualitatively. It alters the vegetation so deeply and thoroughly, that it assimilates itself, as it were, to the whole organism, decomposes and separates its organic constituents, and becomes itself a new element of the organism. Hence arises a new Mercurio-vital process, the natural vital process having given place to the operation of Mercurius. All other effects viz., upon the nervous system are secondary.
2/ In the vegetative sphere, Mercurius attacks, first of all, the secretive and resorptive processes. (The increased' absorption is not a secondary result of increased secretion. Absorption, as well as secretion, is primarily affected, as is shown by the rapid absorption of Mercurius by the external skin.) It excites both of these processes to increased activity. The secretions are therefore, increased in quantity. They are altered in quality. This alternation has reference both to consistence and to intimate chemical composition.
In consistence, they become thinner and more fluid; this effect distinguishes Mercurius from remedies otherwise analogous, but which thicken the secretions. (Hepar, Conium.) As to chemical composition, they become acrid and excoriating. This twofold alteration depends upon the peculiarity of Mercurius, already stated (1) : in the first place, this plasticity of the secretions is diminished, and fluidation instead of coagulation is brought about ; in the next,, in the room of the displaced plastic materials, whole decomposition it effects, Mercurius insinuates and establishes itself.
3/ Mercurius causes, first, a condition of excitation (even to inflammation and suppuration). This is to be explained, generally, by the stimulating action of Mercurius, and the reaction of the organism. Then follows a torpid collapse of the organic forces,;--weakness even to exhaustion. This results from the commencing decomposition induced by Mercurius.
4/ Mercurius penetrates the whole organism. No portion escapes its action. Before all other parts, however, in susceptibility, stand :
1. All the membrane and the glands of the lymphatic system ;
2. The parenchymatous organs And The muscular and nervous systems.
I Vegetation. The vegetative function depends upon the equality in activity of the secretive and absorptive processes. If one or both of these be abnormally affected, nutrition and assimilation (vegetation) will immediately sympathize. Since Mercurius affects these processes primarily, in a very high degree, vegetation must be deeply affected. The vegetative process is retarded, and at last entirely arrested, with the following phenomena :
1/ As to Nutrition. General emaciation. Laxity ; pale, earthy hue of the skin and mucous membranes ; baldness. Sponginess of the tissues, especially of the gums ; disposition to hemorrhage ; diseases of the bones, and, as a natural consequence, great weakness, increased by every slight effort ; great sensibility to all injurious influences ; violent thirst, double vision.
2/ Assimilation (i.e., with reference to vitality and constitution of the blood) is most deeply affected. On the one hand, the tone of the vessels is depressed ; and on the other, the blood itself loses it plastic constituents, becoming altered in composition. Hence, in general, the pulse is increased in frequency, but is feeble (it may be also slow and soft).
In the beginning, however, congestion and even inflammation occurs in individual organs ; but later, only hyperemia and stasis in these and in the periphery. Exudations often occur, partly because of the local inflammation in the hyperaemic parts, and partly because of the increased fluidity of the blood.
Although, in consequence of the decomposition of the blood, the venosity threatens to preponderate, this result is nevertheless obviated by the excessive secretion, and anemia or hydraemia is everywhere manifest ; or if venosity become manifest, it is of short duration, showing itself in ecchymosis.
Secondary Symptoms. With the phenomena above mentioned, the whole vital energy succumbs. The thermogenesis will therefore be diminished.
Thus, the chilliness, sensibility to cold air, and desire for the warmest possible temperature, are explicable. This is the general condition ; there may be, however, temporary, and partial excitement of the vascular system ; and hence alternations of heat and cold occur, which appear so much the more frequently, as the erethistic condition is more highly developed.
II. Nervous System. The effects on the nervous system spring from two causes : (1), a general cause, the diminution and decomposition of the fluids, and the reduction of the functions to an erethistic or even a torpid condition ; and (2), a special cause, the action of Mercurius upon the membranes, which extends to the neurilemma and the nervous centers.
1/ The nervous power is diminished ; hence, as regards sensation, a feeling of great depression, as well as actual prostration, restlessness and general indisposition ; and, as regards motion, a lack of power, the motions becoming tremulous, indirect, and scarcely obedient to the will : hence, mercurial trembling, loss of speech, dysphagia, cough, etc.
2/ By virtue of the special cause, the neurilemma being attacked, true neuralgia occurs (prosopalgia mercurialis), especially when single nerve-twigs are involved. The pain is drawing and tearing, attacks generally but a single nerve ; often changes its location, but sometimes retains its seat for months ; is aggravated by hygrometric changes, and by changes of temperature. The left side is the most powerfully affected.
3/ As a general rule, only the nerves of sensation and motion are attacked, the vegetative nerves suffering through the local conditions.
4/ The sensorium is generally depressed (save during erethism) ; hence giddiness, irritability, mental disturbance, mania, melancholy, loss of memory, imbecility.
III. Secretions in general. The secretions of every kind are altered and increased. They become acrid, and the quantity of some of their constituents is abnormally increased.
1/ Sweat. Exceedingly copious, easily provoked, oily, sour, giving a yellow tinge to the linen.
2/ Of Mucous Membranes in general. Acrid, causing therefore burning in the anus and tenesmus, tenesmus of the bladder, and burning, before and after micturition. The salivary secretion is characteristically increased. The pancreatic secretion is increased ; secretion of bile is increased ; hence greenish-yellow stools.
3/ Genital Organs. Glandular and urethral gonorrhea ; increased discharge of semen. Menses increased in quantity. Leucorrhoea, sometimes mucous, sometimes purulent.
4/ Respiratory Organs. The peculiarities of the secretions induced by Mercurius are here less obvious. The normal secretion seems often even diminished. Frequent hemorrhage.
Abnormal Secretions. To this category belong :
1/ The purulent decomposition of inflamed parts generally.
2/ Formation of pustular eruptions.
3/ Ulcers in general, as combining these two characteristics. For, as to the former, the suppuration always proceeds from an inflammatory process, and is hence preceded by signs of Inflammation, redness, heat, swelling, especially when occurring in the glands and cellular tissue ; hence swelling of the gums, fauces, tonsils, epiglottis, parotid and submaxillary glands and inflammation and suppuration of the cervical, inguinal, Meibomian and mammary glands. Again, as to the latter, the eruptions caused by Mercurius have the complete character of inflammation, with a tendency to suppuration or to puriform collections.
(The irritative character of Mercurius, and the consequent reaction of the organism, together with the tendency of Mercurius to cause fluidity, induce the suppuration.) The pustule formation is often incomplete ; hence erythema, eczema, erysipelas, impetigo, rupia (large vesicles) ; or, in mucous membranes, aphthae, herpes praeputialis. The eruptions have this peculiarity, that on the spots originally occupied by them, sequelae form e. g., scales.
The mercurial ulcer originates inflammation, removing the epidermis, and producing a discharge of pus and sanies. The ulcer rapidly increases in breadth and depth, soon becomes indolent and spongy, and finally bleeds. The circumference is red, the margins puffed. It most frequently occurs in mucous membranes, and in the mouth and on the genital organs.
4/ Serous and Fibrous Tissues. These tissues become irritated. A secretion takes place in the capsules of joints and sheaths of muscles, fulfilling the conditions of rheumatism.
In the serous sacs, collections of water form (mercurial rheumatism), and also of pus. Inflammation of the periosteum occurs, with deposition of new products,. e. g., gummata. The bones become dry and brittle, through loss of fluidity.
IV. Mercurius excites the lymphatic glandular system in general, even to inflammation and ulceration of the glands (axillary, cervical inguinal, etc.), and at the same time primarily stimulates in a very high degree, the absorption in the lymphatic vessels.
N. B. It affects especially the salivary glands, increasing the secretion, inducing swelling, inflammation and suppuration.
The Liver. Mercurius induces incomplete reproduction ; hence the fatty diathesis. It is indicated, before all other remedies, in fatty disease of the liver, resulting from depressed vegetation.
For the Spleen, Mercurius has little affinity. For the Lungs, more than for the spleen.
Head. Various sensations and pains. Congestion.
Eyes. Irritation, swelling sensation as of sand in the eye, lachrymation, conjunctival congestion, photophobia, ptosis, oedema of cellular tissue and conjunctiva, loss of brilliancy in cornea, nebula, amblyopia, amaurosis, iritis.
Ears. Inflammation with pustules, hemorrhage, deafness, illusion of the sense ; pains.
Nose. Peculiar painfulness of nasal bones. Mercurius, above all remedies, is related to the nose, especially to the pharyngeal portion of it. Swelling and hemorrhage.
Face. Collapse, paleness, blue rings around the eyes. Oedema, convulsive jerkings.
Teeth. Swelling, redness, burning, bleeding of gums ; looseness of teeth, aggravation of pain by cold applications, and at night.
Mouth and Pharynx. At first, erythema ; at the same time oedema, vesicles, pustules, aphthae. The inflamed spots are very sensitive and bleed easily. Swelling and dryness of tongue, discharge of saliva. Difficulty in moving the tongue, even to paralysis.
Throat, (AEsophagus. Stiffness, swelling of pharynx, pressing pain, and excoriation. Dysphagia. The tonsils are first affected, then the gums.
Digestive Organs. 1. Loss of appetite, nausea, bulimia, metallic taste, no thirst, save a desire to moisten the dry parts affected.
2. Digestion disturbed. Ructus, vomituritis, collection of water in the mouth ; nightly nausea. Mucous secretion increased and changed ; pancreatic juice altered. Stomach pains.
3. Abdomen. Fullness, oppression, meteorism, sensibility sticking, cutting, pinching pains in liver.
4. Stools. Frequent, with little or no discharge of solid or soft faeces ; pappy, whitish-gray or green-yellow, sometimes bloody, acrid and excoriating, tenesmus, pinching and burning in anus, going on to inflammation, suppuration and hemorrhage. Dysentery. Mercurius has especial affinity for the two ends of the digestive canal. The stomach and upper intestine are but slightly affected ; often not at all.
Genital Organs.
1/ Male. Swelling ; formation of scales, vesicles, pustules ulcers, analogous to those of the mouth and pharynx ; discharges, itching and burning ; discharge of semen without pleasure ; gonorrhoea.
2/ Female. edema Leucorrhoea purulent, acrid, Menses copious.
Respiratory Organs. Expectoration streaked with blood. Mucous membrane light-colored ; its substance little affected. Coryza, with acrid, purulent discharge. Trachea. Dry irritation ; cough, with bloody sputa. Lungs, dyspnea, asthma, sticking pains, oppression.
Back and Limbs. In these parts are experienced all the symptoms relating to skin, serous and fibrous membranes and bones, e.g., itching, crawling, burning, lassitude, loss of power tearing, sticking, and throbbing pain, cracking of the joints cramps and trembling oedema exostosis.
Characteristic. Aggravation by cold, and at night ; from exposure to currents of air, and to change of whether ; this applies to all the symptoms. Swelling and irritation of the parts attacked, suppuration, ulceration, pustular eruptions. Increased and acrid secretions salivation, diarrhea, gonorrhea. Menses too copious. Sweat ; trembling and Spasm, especially of the flexors. Osseous affections. Especial relation to those mucous surfaces which are nearest the external skin.
Application. 1. Generally. To individuals of a depressed vegetation, of a tendency to mucous and bloody discharge, to suppuration with hydraemia, to affections of the lymphatic and glandular systems. To children in the period of dentition ; to youths of feeble and leucophlegmatic temperament, but not torpid,, on the contrary, rather erethistic. In both acute and chronic diseases ; in the former, however, not until the general excitement has somewhat abated, and the inflammatory condition has become localized. In simple inflammations as well as in formation of deposits.
2. As to crases. In all crases characterized by slow depression of the plastic life, by increased and altered secretions, and still more, by a tendency to suppuration or to purulent exudation. All crases in which Mercurius is indicated are characterized by erethism and never by torpor, hence, Mercurius does not stand high on the list of antiscorbutics, because in scorbutus there is mere collapse, and no tendency to suppuration. Still in cases of scorbutus, with manifest excitement combined with phlebitis, it is often available.
In other cases, Carbo vegetabilis, Arsenicum, China, Arnica, Lachesis, are preferable. Mercurius is more strongly indicated in the tuberculous, and scrofulous crases when the parts attacked threaten to inflame and suppurate, and where erethism is present and ulceration threatens.
As to special crases :
1/ In Tuberculosis. In the second stage, with tuberculous ulceration and copious purulent expectoration, with fever and gradual emaciation, Mercurius should never be employed.. It is indicated only in an erethistic condition of the lungs hence not in pneumonia, rather in hectic fever in consequence of pyohemia. In tuberculous affections of the bones with tendency to caries. In necrosis.
2/ In Scrofulosis, with ulceration or swelling of the glands, otherwise Calcarea is preferable. Scrofulous affections of the bones. Scrofulous ophthalmia. In rachitis, as distinct from scrofula, probably not so appropriate as Calcarea.
3/ In Syphilis, especially when the mucous membrane and glands are affected especially when ulcerated. Mercurius. has less affinity for the eruptions unless they be pustular (Rupia). Not so well adapted to the syphilitic osseous affections.
4/ In Pyaemia, from absorption of purulent matters. Except Arsenic, no better remedy is known for this crasis. Also in crases that present similar symptoms to those of pyohemia.
5/ In the Inflammatory crasis, with mild fever with tendency to localization, and inflammatory exudations in the cellular tissue and glands. Pleuritis, meningitis, peritonitis. Inflammation of the capsules of joints and sheaths of muscles, with purulent, plastic exudations.
6/ In the Typhoid crasis, Mercurius is scarcely indicated unless in typhoid parotitis. But in puerperal fever it is a most precious remedy against both the local affection and the general condition. In metritis puerperalis, affections of the joints, and puerperal deposits (metastatic), because of the general tendency to pyohemia.
7/ In the Rheumatic crasis, seldom indicated, rather where the periosteum is affected with aggravation by change of weather.
8/ In the OEdematic crasis, contra-indicated in anasarca o ascites.
9/ Mercurius is indicated in Icterus, with irritation of the liver febris biliosa.
10/ In Exanthemata, vesicular, and pustular (seldom the papular), both acute and chronic. In variola, when pyohemia is established after the repercussion of the eruption. In salivation ; in herpes zoster Mercurius vivus is a specific. In bening furunculus (not in malignant), impetigo, miliaria, eczema, crusta lactea.
1/ Head. Hydrocephalus acutus ; abscesses in the scalp ; caries ; syphilis.
2/ Ophthalmia scrofu1osa, and catarrhalis with purulent secretion ; inflamed cellular tissue.
3/ Otitis with purulent discharge.
4/ Angina with tendency to suppuration.
5/ Swelling, inflammation and suppuration of the gums.
6/ Glossitis ; inflammation of cellular tissue and glands, with irritation of all surrounding parts ; suppuration, ulceration, salivation, toothache, with ulcers from caries, stomacace (compare Iodine).
7/ Hepatitis, acute and chronic. Bilious derangements.
8/ Enteritis, acute and chronic, when actual pus is formed after the first stage.
9/ Diarrhea generally, with muco-purulent stools, green, and bloody, tenesmus, scanty stools, much tormina, burning in rectum, no pains in the abdomen.
10/ Proctitis, and proctalgia, with discharge of pus and blood.
11/ Dysentery in high grades, with purulent secretions, tenesmus scanty stool.
12/ Inflammation of kidneys (and irritation after inflammation), with irritation and purulent urine.
13/ Inflammation of the bladder and urethra.
14/ Gonorrhoea, ulceration of the genitals ; oedema preputialis (especially in children, with slight erysipelas) ; orchitis ; leucorrhoea excoriating.
15/ Metritis, especially lymphangioitis, leading to pyaemia.
16/ Oophoritis (after Belladonna, and succeeded by Platina). Hydrops ovarii. (Graphites ?)
17/ Catarrh ; not indicated unless there be purulent discharge.
18/ Myelitis.
19/ Panaritis (Mercurius yields only to Hepar in efficacy.)
20/ Psoitis ; scrofulous coxalgia in incipience.
21/ Arthritis. White swelling.
22/ Trembling, twitching of the features, as a secondary phenomenon. Neuralgia.
Aconite is the general representative of antiphlogistics.
Effects M general. 1/ Vascular System. It operates powerfully as a direct excitant of the vessels, and produces, therefore, true synocha.
2/ Aconite produces no crasis, and has, therefore, no tendency to product-formation. Its action is purely dynamic, viz. : the pulse is much accelerated, hard and strong ; thermogenesis is increased ; thirst great ; general sensation abnormal.
3/ It has a greater action on the more vascular organs hence above all, on the lungs, giving rise to various degrees of excitement ; next to the lungs it affects the periphery, and, last of all, the intestines. Hence congestion of blood to these parts, and haemorrhages.
4/ It has no especial relations to the fibrous and mucous tissues, although it exerts an inflammatory action on all organs and tissues of the body. (Bryonia also has this specific action, although it excites the vascular system less intensely than Aconite.)
5/ Its action on the Nervous System is secondary.
1. The sensorium is either excited in consequence of the vascular delirium, or,
2. It is depressed by reason of the vascular congestion ; hence sopor.
6/ Aconite has characteristic morning and evening exacerbations ; the majority of the pains are sticking ; other pains occur according to the nature of the organ attacked.
General Indications. Aconite is generally indicated, 1. In all Inflammations in the beginning against the vascular excitement which always prevails, before the disease is fully developed. Its action is brief, and does not interfere with that of' subsequent prescriptions. 2. As an alternating remedy after the development of the disease, when the vascular excitement continues.
Special Indications. 1. (1) Inflammatory Fever. (2.) In all inflammations.
a. While the vascular excitement is great, and before any product has yet formed.
b. When the product is already forming, if the vascular storm has not abated. (3)Especially in inflammations of the serous and fibrous tissues ; Aconite is preferable to all other remedies in these cases when the vascular excitement is great and a plastic exudation threatens (for less intense vascular excitement and a threatened serous exudation, Bryonia) ; hence in meningitis pleuritis, peritonitis, under these conditions.
2/ In Ophthalmia, acute, with febrile excitement, a sovereign remedy.
3/ In the periods of dentition and menstruation with vascular excitement. It does not disturb the menstrual f unction.
4/ Acute Rheumatism.
5/ Acute Catarrh.
6/ Tuberculosis with febrile excitement.
7/ Vascular affections. Arteritis, pericarditis, and endocarditis. In organic heart disease,, for the periodical excitement. (Aconite is preferable to Digitalis, which sometimes leaves injurious sequelae.)
8/ Violent dynamic congestions, depending on no organic cause.
Calcarea affects exclusively the vegetative system ; all other action is secondary.
The secretive and resorptive functions are immediately stimulated to increased activity, and a condition of irritation ensues. All organs and systems are affected, the nutrition of all being altered. The lymphatic system is affected in a special degree ; and, in the mode of this affection, the Calcarea symptoms resemble the scrofulous process in its lower grades. Calcarea is a chronic remedy, because it alters the crases ; also a subacute, because the products of the altered erases provoke a state of irritation. Its action is not stormy, but mild and slow.
1/ Nervous System. .Not specifically affected ; the isolated spasms that occur are secondary. Pains corresponding to the nature of the organs attacked. Sticking pains, and a sensation of rigidity, predominate.
2/ Vegetation in General. A cachectic habit is induced ; decrease of temperature ; puffiness of the soft parts ; laxity and general debility, with increased sensibility to external influences, as changes of weather.
3/ Vascular System. Moderate degree of fever ; chill and heat quickly alternating ; fugitive heats ; chilliness predominates. Sweat breaks out easily, especially in the palms and soles ; evening exacerbation. Thus, a fever resembling that of Tuberculosis. The composition of the blood is not primarily altered ; secondarily it is altered.
4/ Lymphatic System. Excitement and irritation. Resorption is deranged, and its activity is increased ; the glands are swollen, irritated, become the seat of a deposit, and even pass into a state of inflammation. The glands of the neck and mesentery are especially attacked.
5/ Skin. Irritation, evinced by erythema, erysipelas, papules, vesicles, pustules, bleeding ulcers, and scaling off of the epidermis, especially on the head ; the skin ulcerates easily, especially at tender points, e. g., lips and margins of eyelids, the inner surface of the arms, and the anterior surface of the thigh, dorsum of the foot, and outer surface of the ear, etc.
6/ Mucous Membrane and Glands. Irritation. Secretion rather diminished than increased.
1/ Head. No especial symptom of cerebral disturbance. Frequent congestion in consequence of the general irritation.
2/ Eyes. Irritation and rigidity of the lids. Conjunctiva reddened ; feeling as of sand in the eye ; photophobia ; the secretion of the Meibomian glands is thick and glutinous. Lachrymal secretion increased.
3/ Ears. Increased secretion of cerumen. Purulent discharge ; deafness.
4/ Nose. Ulceration of the aloe ; purulent, fetid discharge. Dry obstruction.
5/ Mouth. Gums red and swollen. Also the whole mouth to the uvula. Salivation. Tonsils and palate swollen. Deglutition difficult.
6/ Intestinal Tract. In stomach and abdominal canal great sensibility to pressure ; burning and pinching pains. Loss of appetite. Repugnance especially to meat, which passes away undigested. Rancid, sour eructations. Faces long retained ; hence, tormina. Stools solid and dry, with straining. Sometimes also diarrhea (secretion, being abnormal in quality), watery and pappy, always scanty. The
intestinal secretion being abnormal, induces irritation ; hence, spasm of stomach and intestine.
7/ Liver. Irritation, especially in the biliary passages.
8/ Urinary Organs. Pressing and sticking in the kidneys and bladder ; burning, dysuria, enuresis.
9/ Genitals. Congestion and swelling. As to sexual functions, erethism ; and, as an alternate effect, diminished instinct. Sweating of the labia and scrotum (in gonorrhea and onanism, compare Sepia and Selenium, Boenninghausen). It is a most important remedy in connection with early and too copious menstruation ; so much so, that it acts favorably only when these conditions are present.
10/ Respiratory Organs. Mucous secretion altered, either increased or diminished. Tenacious, thick mucus. Dryness of throat ; dry cough, constriction of chest, with hoarseness and roughness.
11/ Muscles. Stiffness ; pains in the joints, causing
difficulty of motion.
12/ Bone-pains from head to feet.
Characteristics. Calcarea affects primarily only the vegetative sphere ; from this its operation extends over the whole organism, exciting moderately, producing irritation, and appearing to favor a deposit of the earthy salts. The lymphatic system of vessels and glands is first and most deeply affected, being the seat of irritation, swelling, deposits, and their consequences. The skin and mucous membranes are next affected ; the secretions are often diminished, and often increased (when increased, only relatively), and are generally acrid and sour. The whole nutrition suffers' very greatly. Menstruation is too early and too copious.
The pains are various ; chiefly a feeling of stiffness, with or without sticking pains. Aggravation by change of temperature, especially by cold, and at night. (Boenninghausen designates many important symptoms, which are aggravated in the morning, in contradistinction to corresponding symptoms of Causticum, which have evening aggravation. C. D. )
Application. To youthful persons and females ; ; to those who are badly nourished, pale, with affections of the skin and mucous membranes ; to all, in short, who present the scrofulous diathesis, or one like it ; especially at the period of development ; dentition and puberty (menses too copious) ; moreover, for children generally.
The symptoms of Calcarea present a striking picture erethistic scrofula, for which diathesis it is eminently appropriate. (For the cancerous diathesis, Arsenic ; for the chlorotic, Pulsatilla).
Tuberculosis and Rachitis, with excitement and irritation.
1/ Children who do not walk until after the usual age, who manifest great irritability, have large, distended abdomens, and scrofulous inflammations of the skin, i. e., generally little vesicles producing crusts, chiefly on the head and face, lips, nose, and eyes, subjects to scrofulous ophthalmia, scrofulous ozcena, scrofulous affections of the airs, especially with a prulent discharge. In atrophia infantum, without suppuration, Calcarea is better than Arsenic. In osteomalacia ; swelling of the glands. Indigestion, with acid ity, in scrofulous subjects. Acid, pappy diarrhoea ; also constipation. Helminthiasis in a scrofulous diathesis. What is true of scrofula in general, is true also of tuberculosis.
2/ Adults also ; in tuberculosis, with colliquative sweats. Ophthalmia, with thick blennorrhoea. Ophthalmia which has left behind it opacity df the cornea. Blennorrhoea nasalis.
3/ Rheunicstism, acute or chronic. Tendency to vesical calculus.
4/ Tonsillitis frequently recurring ; general irritation of tonsils.
5/ Gastritis. Chronic, especially with acid formations. Gastrornalacia chronica, with evacaution of undigested faces. Disposition to catarrh, chronic catarrh, catarrh of bladder and vagina.
Bryonia is in every respect closely allied to Aconite, as 'well in its general relation to the vascular system as in its special affinities.
1/ Vegetation. It operates directly on the vegetation, affecting especially the secretive process, producing a high degree of irritation, sometimes even inflammation. First of all, however, it increases the activity of the resorptive apparatus ; that of the secretive function is a consequence. (Compare Mercurius.) Bryonia induces the formation of products, viz. : infiltration into the cellular tissue, and serous exudations into the serous sacs. It produces no plastic exudations (as Hepar and. Mercurius do). The blood is affected, as in the milder forms of typhus. By virtue of its action on the resorptive and secretive functions, Bryonia has especial affinities for the abdomen, where, abound those organs and tissues on which it especially acts, viz., serous, fibrous, and mucous tissues.
2/ Vascular System. The vascular system is excited in a less degree than by Aconite. Its action is partial, i.e., is exerted upon single organs. During the paroxysm of fever, the chill predominates, occurring often in the midst of the heat. Thirst is very intense (because of the increased resorption) ; sweat very copious.
3/ Nervous System. On the nervous system it acts, 1. probably directly, attacking the serous envelopes, the meninges and neurilemma ; 2. mechanically, the excretions which it induces, producing, by compression, a depressing effect.
4/ Skin. No especial relation. Irritation, oedema, and vesicles, characteristic. No pustules.
5/ Eyes. Irritation, serous secretion, especially attacks the sero-fibrous tissues (keratitis, sclerotitis, iritis). The secretions are at first watery ; later, they are purulent, thick and tenacious.
6/ Ears. A mild form of periostitis. watery discharge, sticking pains, illusions and dullness of hearing.
7/ Face. Generally paleness ; frequently, however, fugitive heat, swelling, with slight redness.
8/ Digestive Apparatus. Irritation. Secretion of the mucous membrane is at first thinned, then thickened, and then altogether suppressed. Burning in the mouth and throat ; difficult deglutition, The fibrous coats of the muscles are especially affected, hence pain on turning the head, swallowing, etc., (different in seat from pain of Belladonna). Oedema of the gums, and of the whole cavity of the mouth. Periosteum alveolorum affected ; excessive sticking pains through the entire row of teeth, accompanied by oedema of the gums, even to the roots of the teeth. Salivary secretion increased and thin. Stomach. Digestion disturbed, in consequence ructus, vomituritio, vomitus post pastum. Intestine. Similar irritation ; constipation as well as diarrhoea (serous) ; rather, however, an alternation of the two pinching and burning pains. Peritoneum. Irritation. Sticking pain, great sensibility. Hence, symptoms from the liver, kidneys, bladder, and uterus (their peritoneal coats being affected). The secretion of the liver is increased. The stools are thin and green, from intermixed bile ; frequent vomiting of bile. The kidneys more deeply affected, secretion diminished, urine clear. For the sexual organs it has no affinity, except in so far as the serous envelopes, of the organs are concerned. OEdematous and painful swellings of the testes.
9/ Respiration. Irritation. Secretion, for the most part, increased ; thin and serous. Dyspnoea. Pleuritic inflammations, with exudation.
10/ Rheumatisms Acutus. Pain, swelling, increased, temperature, redness, sensibility to changes of the weather, inability to move the parts. Inflammation of the periosteum, especially of the head and face, with the characteristic sticking pains.
The symptosis occur chiefly in the serous and fibrous tissues.
Application. Bryonia is indicated in a condition between synocha and typhus, resembling the former as respects the vascular system, and the latter a respects the nervous (compare Arnica). It is suitable for nervous and bilious temperaments, persons of dry and spare habit, dark complexion, excitable character, and predisposition to inflammation of the membranous tissues ; for women and children in whom excitability is great, but energy and stability of reaction only moderate, who are inclined to lymphatic exudations and accumulations, and to nervous diseases, and at the same time, in an equal degree, to active congestions.
It is appropriate in all varieties of rheumatism, and in all conditions in which catarrhal and rheumatic characters are combined.
1/ Typhus. The efficacy of Bryonia in the commencement of typhus is attested by all homoeopathic writers ; but, as in its very commencement typhus is not easily recognized, the claims of Bryonia remain sub-dubio. In typhus versatilis, however, with rheumatic pains, it is efficacious in all stages. Also in complications of typhus, with meningitis or pleuritis. In localized typhus, attacking the peritoneum of pleura, it is a sovereign remedy.
2/ Intermittent Fever. Only in those cases in which the disease acts directly upon the ganglionic system, in which the cold predominates, and thirst and pain in the limbs are great, with accessory symptoms, e. g., serous diarrhoea and sticking pains.
3/ Skin. Urticaria. Morbilli with oedema, especially with a vesicular eruption. Miliaria (copious sweat). Sweating of the feet, not offensive. If offensive, Carbo vegetabilis is preferable.
4/ Nervous Affections, of various kinds, having their seat in the meninges and neurilemma. Oppression, dizziness, staggering, etc.
5/ Rheumatism. Acute, with serous exudations and general vascular excitement.
6/ Membranes. Inflammation of serous membranes, with serous exudations containing plastic flocculi. Irritation of meninges (in actual inflammation Belladonna is better).
Conjunctivitis. Hydrops oculi acutus. Oedema palpebrarum. Otitis. Ozena. Swelling of the face, with sticking pain or without pain. Toothache, sticking pain, with extensive swelling, increased by cold, alleviated by warmth. Peritonitis, and hence hepatitis and enteritis serosae.
7/ Gastric phenomena, especially serous diarrhea. Also renowned as a remedy for constipation. (The irritated condition of the membranes induces diarrhea, and probably, at a later period, dryness of the membranes, and hence constipation.)
8/ Icterus, depending on chagrin, anger, excessive physical efforts, and a sedentary mode of life.
9/ Mastitis, in nurses, especially when the mamma is somewhat, oedematous with sticking pains, and the inflammation is slight (for violent inflammation, with hardness, redness, and pressing pain, Belladonna ; Phosphorus, Boenninghausen).
10/ Respiratory Organs. Pleuritis. Bronchitis with diminished secretion, much irritation, exciting a cough, and scanty serous expectoration, raised with difficulty. In pneumonia it is less frequently indicated ; only in pleuro-pneumonia, and it pneumonia with great oedema In bilious pneumonia (of the right lower lobe). Bryonia has in general great affinity to the biliary apparatus.
11/ General. Pericarditis, endocarditis, hydrocele (Rhododendron). (Edematous glandular swelling. Sclereme. Anasarca, especially acute oedema pedum.)
In phlegmone colli experience has shown Bryonia to be a most valuable remedy (Wurmb).
Rhus acts primarily on the vegetative system, affecting especially the functions of resorption and secretion. All other symptoms are reflex from these effects.
1/ Its primary action is excitation (irritation).
2/ It has especial relations to the membranes ; and especially to the mucous membranes and external skin, producing irritation and even inflammation.
1/ Vascular System. Irritation, even to fever. The pulse is hard, full, and frequent, and the heart impulse strong ; but the peripheral vascular system is more particularly affected, and sometimes this alone.
2/ Nervous System. Secondarily affected. In case of moderate vascular irritation, the nervous system is excited ; in case of very great vascular irritation, it is depressed. Hence, in the former case, great mental excitement, anxiety, irritation, sleeplessness, or restless sleep with anxious dreams ; and, in the latter case, sinking of the powers, weak mess even to syncope, trembling, and convulsive jerkings.
3/ Cerebral System. Specifically affected. Symptoms of incipient typhus : headache, diminished mental activity, uncertainty of movement, roaring in the ears, long apparent pondering before answering a question. These cerebral symptoms are present in every case of Rhus intoxication, and are hence characteristic. Hence the applicability of Rhus in typhus.
4/ Nutrition. Depressed, but not in a very marked degree.
5/ Secretions. 1. In the higher grades of excitement, all the secretions are diminished in quantity and thickened. 2. In the lower grades of excitement, they are increased in quantity and thickened, or else they become serous. 3. The Rhus irritation, unless it proceed to inflammation, is always accompanied by serous discharges, in the form of evacuations or of oedema.
1/ Skin. Especially affected. Even contact of the leaves of the plant, or proximity to them, produces an eruption, varying in intensity from the slightest erythema to the gravest form of vesicular erysipelas. Vesicular formations are characteristic of Rhus.
2/ Mucous Membranes. 1. Aphthae, swelling of the tongue ; oedema and swelling of tonsils, and vesicular angina, phimosis and paraphimosis, vesicular formations on the whole penis, scrotum, and perineum, with oedematous swelling of the neighboring parts. This Rhus oedema is everywhere hot. 2. Dryness of the mucous membranes, and, in consequence, difficult deglutition, tickling in the larynx, dry tongue, hoarseness, dry and painful cough, burning in the chest, burning pain in the stomach, nausea, repugnance to stimulating food, as flesh, wine, etc. [[ These different conditions of the mucous membrane depend on the different degrees of irritation induced by different grades of intoxication. Vide supra, Secretions, 1 and 2. C. D. ]]
Intestinal Canal. Tardy action. Tenesmus ; painful evacuation of dry, friable faeces, often light-colored ; also but less frequently, from the tendency to serous depositions, thin serous stools. (See note.)
Urine. Diminished ; evacuation painful ; tenesmus, with burning ; emission by drops ; also, involuntary evacuation. Urine turbid and scanty, with copious white sediment ; also, increased in quantity and pale. (See note.) Region of the bladder, sensitive.
Sexual System, Excited ; a condition of erethism.
3/ Serous Membranes. Secretion diminished ; dryness, cracking in the joints ; feeling of roughness and stiffness ; sticking pains.
4/ Sero-fibrous Tissues. Secretion diminished ; sensation of stiffness in the sheaths of the muscles, causing pain and difficulty of motion.
5/ Osseous System. Periosteum is attacked ; boring and deep sticking pains in the malar and maxillary bones.
Characteristic. Aggravation during repose ; amelioration by motion ; action often confined to one side, more frequently the left side.
General. 1/ To acute and sub-acute cases ; less frequently to chronic. 2. In affections of the membranes, especially if accompanied by an evident dyscrasia, and attended by nervous phenomena. 3. In affections resulting from exposure to rain while perspiring. (Boenninghausen.)
Special, I Vesicular Cutaneous Diseases of all Varieties. Erythema and erysipelas bullosum ; scarlatina miliaris ; miliaria ; carbuncle ; and, generally, all cutaneous eruptions that tend to gangrene. Herpes acutus ; crusta lactea ; hydrargyrosis ; variola, with highly developed oedema and great cutaneous irritation ; acute pemphigus ; oedema after acute eruptions, with redness, heat and fever ; acute oedema per se (Morbus Brightii ?).
II Sero-fibrous Membranes. Acute and sub-acute rheumatism affecting the joints and muscles, characterized by considerable swelling, redness, heat of the joint, pain diminished by motion, increased by repose, with miliaria and pustules around the joint ; rheumatism of the fascia lata.
III Rheumatic Odontalgia. Tearing, boring pain over the whole chin ; swelling, redness of the gums ; erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks and region of the lower jaw, even to the eyes and forehead.
IV. Mucous Membranes. Acute catarrhs and inflammations ; laryngitis, bronchitis, gastritis, enteritis, etc., of mild degree, attended by nervous phenomena.
1/ Conjunctivitis, with oedema, vesicles and pustules ; great pain, dryness, photophobia ; gluing together of the eyelids ; pain on opening the eyelids, especially in scrofulous subjects.
2/ Otitis and pharyngitis.
3/ Inflammation of prepuce and scrotum, with vesicles and oedema.
4/ Mucous diarrhoea, with great tenesmus ; first stage of dysentery, scanty, frequent and painful stool.
V. Typhus and other Maladies, with Nervous Phenomena. In the lower grade of typhus, in the first stage, everything indicates Rhus ; predominant excitement ; constipation, or frequent serous, greenish-yellow stools, especially if attended by miliary eruption.
1/ Miliaria puerperalis ; purpura hemmorrhagia febrilis.
2/ Catarrhal fever, when the nervous system is especially involved.
3/ Puerperal fever in the lower grades ; peritoneal irritation without exudation, rather of a rheumatic character ; -exudation scanty, and not plastic.
5/ Pneumonia ; difficult, thick, tenacious expectoration, with slow and tedious resolution (Pneumonia notha).
6/ Heart diseases, especially of the pericardium, attended by nervous. phenomena.
7/ Lumbago ; paralysis in lumbar region. [[ Among the records of his large veterinary experience, Boenninghausen has many cases noted of paralysis of the lumbar muscles in cows, after calving, cured by Rhus, followed by Nux vomica. C. D. of paralysis of the lumbar ]]
8/ Intermittent fever. Nervous symptoms predominate. During the paroxysm a rheumatic condition comes on. Thirst and heat are very great. During the sweat, miliaria make their appearance.
9/ All diseases bearing a resemblance to rheumatism, which, however ; one hesitates whether or not to pronounce typhus.
Colchicum ranks, in almost all respects, next to Bryonia. It acts especially on the serous and fibrous tissues. Its characteristic pains are sticking.
1/ Differences. 1. Bryonia is adapted rather to acute diseases ; Colchicum to sub-acute and chronic.
2. Bryonia affects the vascular system more deeply than Colchicum, exciting fever.
3. Bryonia attacks the larger serous surfaces ; Colchicum rather the smaller ones (articular serous surfaces), and the sheaths of the muscles, rather the fibrous and fibro-serous, than the purely serous tissues ; hence the periosteum and muscular sheaths are especially attacked.
2/ Mucous Membrane. The action of Colchicum resembles that of Bryonia ; the secretions are diminished in quantity, and thickened ; but Colchicum produces a far less degree of irritation than Bryonia does ; hence its applicability in chronic catarrh, with a moderately copious tenacious mucous secretion (catarrh of old people).
3/ Nervous System. No especial primary action.
4/ Adaptation. Colchicum corresponds to the venous constitution, the phlegmatic, melancholic temperament ; Bryonia rather to the nervous, erethistic temperament.
The pains of Colchicum, like those of Bryonia, are aggravated by touch and by motion ; those of Colchicum, however, are worse in the evening and during the night ; while, generally, the symptoms of Bryonia are aggravated in the morning on awaking.
Colchicum, like Bryonia, produces tearing, sticking pains ; but those of Colchicum appear as tearing or sticking jerkings through the periosteum, while the pains of Bryonia are accompanied by the general feeling, as if beaten (zerschlagenheitschmerz) throughout the muscular system.
Colchicum, then, is more suitable when the excitation is slight, when the disease inclines rather to a torpid character, therefore to diseases of torpid, phlegmatic individuals.
5/ Chief Sphere of Action. Rheumatism (sub-acute and chronic, but not of very ancient date), chronic gout, with thickened secretions, especially if characterized not so much by pain as by impediments to the free motion of the parts (semi-paralysis, quasi-paralysis). In the latter stages of acute rheumatism Colchicum is often indicated. (Kaspar appears to find frequently appropriate in acute rheumatism, 1st, Aconite ; 2d, Bryonia ; 3d, Colchicum.)
In dropsy, conjoined with a general torpid condition, with little or no irritation, dropsy after exanthematous diseases, also, but less frequently, in dropsical affections of the synovial sacs, and of the thoracic cavities, Colchicum is indicated.
In diarrhea, with plastic excretion and rheumatic complication, characterized by great flatulence, in a low grade of autumnal dysentery, or rather in sanguineous diarrhea than in real dysentery, Colchicum is appropriate.
In hydrops oculi, diseases of the sclerotica and cornea, and especially opacity of the cornea, and among affections of the chest, in chronic catarrh, with scanty plastic secretion, and great sensibility to changes of temperature, especially to cold air, Colchicum shows itself efficacious.
Ledum ranks next to Colchicum in its action on the serous, fibrous, and mucous membranes. Its action is more powerful than that of Colchicum, producing not only irritation-and an increased thicked secretion, but also a deposit of .solid, earthy masses.
Vascular System. In their relations to this system are found the true distinctions between Bryonia, Colchicum, and Ledum. Ledum affects the blood distinctly, producing a definite crasis, viz. : a tendency to exudation of blood ; hence we find it producing hemorrhages (which are not induced by Bryonia and Colchicum).
The blood has a special tendency to the periphery. Moreover, Ledum has far greater relations to the periosteum and mucous membrane than either Colchicum or Bryonia (of these two, Colchicum has the greater affinity for mucous membranes and periosteum). The pains of Ledum are, to a greater extent, sticking and tearing, sticking as if caused by needles, as well in internal as in superficial parts.
A characteristic of Ledum is a deficiency of vital heat, inducing a predominant coldness and chilliness. As in the case with Bryonia and Colchicum, the sticking and tearing pains, and also symptoms that occur at night, are aggravated by motion and by warmth. Like Bryonia, Ledum produces a hot swelling but it has an especially for the hip and shoulder.
Application. 1/ In chronic rheumatism Ledum is especially indicated when the secretion is scanty and thick, and is no longer absorbed, but concretions begin to form, residua in periosteal and cartilaginous envelopes, pain greatly increased by motion. Ledum has a special affinity for the regions of the hip and shoulder.
The affection must not be entirely chronic ; in such a case the mineral remedies are rather indicated, Calcarea, Mercurius, Iodine, etc. To be consulted in coxalgia, lumbago, arthrocace. In affections of the bones, especially in the formation of nodes.
2/ Chronic Cutaneous Affections. Transformations of the epidermis. Ecchymoses (rather in chronic cases, such as chronic morbus maculosus). Bleeding ulcers on the forehead. Tuberculous eruptions in drunkards.
3/ Intermittent Fever. When the cold stage is of long duration, with violent thirst. Neglected typhus, with 1, important anaemia, or 2, visible alteration of the blood crasis (inducing, for instance, ecchymosis), 3, affections of the mucous membranes especially (nasal hemorrhage or bloody expectoration without irritation).
4/ Headache. Especially in the sequel of syphilis, and in mercurial poisoning.
5/ Ophthalmia Chronica. A renowned remedy, especially in affections of the mucous membranes, with copious secretion from the Meibomian glands and opacity of the cornea.
6/ Dropsy, viz., Ascites. Ledum, like Colchicum, has a great affinity for the abdominal organs, propably because of their great venosity.
7/ Chronic Pulmonary Catarrh. Even in pneumonia, if the symptoms correspond, especially if the cough is accompanied by bloody expectoration, and threatens to become chronic. Tuberculosis with haemoptysis.
8/ Tubercular disease of the bones. Ulcers of skin and gangrenous ulcers. (Hartmann.)
9/ Gout. According to Rau's experience, one of the chief remedies, even for maladies complicated with gout.
Sepia is essentially a remedy affecting the vegetative sphere. Its other effects are only secondary.
1. It has a transforming action, altering the crases. Its action is slow, but deep and prolonged.
2. It diminishes the reproductive energy of the vegetable sphere.
This is made manifest
a/ Through the sluggish performance of the functions.
b/ Through the deficient general nutrition.
3. Pains and isolated symptoms are but feebly pronounced.
4. It has special relations to the portal system, and to the female sexual system.
A. Primary. 1. Digestion is impaired, acidity predominating ; sour and foul eructations ; tormina and rneteorismus ; chilliness after meals ; neither copious diarrhaea nor obstinate constipation ; frequent tenesmus. Haemorrhoidal tumors ; excoriation between the nates (corresponding to the acrid character of the discharge).
2. On the Portal System and the Liver. a. Functions of the Liver. In degree these are not greatly disturbed. In kind the bile is altered ; it acquires a sour or foul character (hence vomiting and diarrhaea) with too little alkali.
b/ It induces also a change of texture in the liver, as is manifested by the disturbed state of the circulation (numerous stases).
c/ The complexion is altered. The skin becomes yellow and earthy-colored like the wax of old church candles. Puffiness of the soft parts ; there is no emaciation ; this appears later first, an increase of the fatty tissue, then laxity and flaccidity, lastly, emaciation. Also, irritations of the skin, showing itself in red spots with yellow areolae.
d/ Mental depression ; sadness, inclination to anger.
3. Sexual System. a. Enfeebled condition, manifested by erethism (sexual instinct without energy), rapid emissions, followed by great exhaustion and apathy after coitus.
b/ Profuse perspiration about the genital organs, especially of females ; excoriation and itching.
c/ Sepia has more relation to the female sex, yet is not to be overlooked in reference to the male. Menses scanty or suppressed, or else occurring too early. During the suppression of the menses mental depression and apathy.
B. Secondary. 1. Nervous System. a. The nervous system, especially in the female sex, standing in the closest relation to the sexual system, shows a tendency to erethism, in consequence of which hysteric phenomena present themselves, which may increase even to spasms.
b. The sensations and pains of Sepia are indistinct in character, and are, generally, feelings of weakness, apathy and lassitude ; sometimes, however, they are more distinct, occurring as burning, sticking or cutting pains especially in the loins (corresponding to the liver and sexual system).
2/ Vascular System. a. Participates slightly in the effects of Sepia, except in the easily provoked orgasms of blood to the head and chest. The symptoms chiefly unimportant and secondary.
b. Vascular energy is diminished so, consequently, is the thermogenesis.
3/ Secretive System. Only in so far generally affected, as that the secretions and excretions present an abnormal character, having a tendency to become sour and foul. They are sometimes increased, sometimes diminished. The increase of perspiration is most marked.
4/ Respiratory System. A tendency to furnish a counterpoise to the general condition ; hence, not unfrequently, a condition of irritation, catarrh with even bloody expectoration, cough, sometimes dry, sometimes moist irritation of the pleura.
5/ Sexual System, The physiological connection between uterus and mamma is here manifested by the emaciation and flaccidity of the mamma, and the swelling and ulceration of the nipples.
2. A peculiar cachectic aspect ; enfeebling of the vegetation. Predominant affections of the portal, hepatic and sexual systems. Especially applicable to females. Generally menstruation scanty, suppressed, or precocious.
A General. 1. Age. Sepia is especially adapted to affections occurring at the climacteric period, in women who were formerly excitable ; after long-continued depressing mental affections, or great bodily or mental labor.
2/ Aspect. An unmistakable aspect ; a peculiar yellowish puffy complexion, rather fat. The tissues are soft and flaccid ; they easily and quickly collapse and soon recover.
3/ Temperament. Good-natured, yet easily excitable.
4/ The affections complained of are not violent, often disappearing altogether, and are concentrated in the digestive and sexual sphere.. A special' indication, in addition to the above, is a very slight acrid and excoriating discharge exgenitalibus.
5/ Although especially adapted to females, Sepia is also applicable, variatis variandis, to the male sex, especially to woman-like, soft-tissued men, who were formerly of a fiery temperament, but have settled down into a sedentary, meditative mode of life.
B. Special. 1. Affections of the Digestive apparatus and the Liver indicate Sepia. a. By sour and putrid formations, manifested by eructations and habitual flatulence, and disturbed digestion. Inveterate sub-acute pyrosis (in acute, not appropriate, compare Ipecacuanha, etc.). Pains in the stomach, and cramps of the stomach and intestines after eating.
b.Pains in the hepatic and iliac region, excited by touching those regions ; hence, applicable in corresponding affections of the liver generally ; in degeneration of the liver and intestines, Sepia is applicable, at most, only in the beginning ; later, other remedies come into play. (Ascites as secondary to hepatic affection.)
2/ Sexual System. a. Uterus. Chronic infarctus ; induration. Acrid discharge ; laxity of the neighboring parts ; blennorrhoea, prolapsus. Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea (menses being either too early or too late, and too weak). Sterility, abortion, displacement of the uterus. Mucous polypus.
b. Male Sex. Increase of sexual instinct, and at the same time loss of sexual power. Erethism (in both sexes) ; hence, frequent nocturnal pollutions, followed by great exhaustion. Chronic, very profuse, corrosive gonorrhea.
3/ Nervous Affections. Nervous affection of the abdominal organs and uterus ; hence, melancholia and actual hysteria ; megrim easily induced. Nervous toothache during pregnancy and at the climacteric period. Irritation spinalis ; and, in consequence, paralysis of the lower part of the trunk.
4/ Cutaneous Affections. Herpes circinatus ; stinking perspiration of the feet (not stinking, Bryonia). Psoriasis.
5/ Affections of Eyes, Ears, and Nose. (As far as the vascular system is concerned). Chronic ophthalmia, with acrid secretion (abdominal ophthalmia, according to Professor Rosas, of Vienna), and yellow sclerotica. Deafness, in affections of the liver and abdominal organs. In Ozaena, a very important remedy. Ulceration and eruption about the mouth, with simultaneous disturbance of the digestion.
6/ Excretions. Constipation, with much tenesmus. Mucous diarrhea ; stinking, cold sweat of the extremities.
7/ Thoracic Affections. Tuberculosis. Affections of the heart depending on abdominal disease. Palpitation. Intermittent fever, cold predominating. Ulceration of the feet. Varices.
Graphites resembles, in many respects, its chemical sisters, the Carbons ; less, however, in its general character, than with reference to certain peculiar symptoms. Its action is very extensive and energetic, affecting, in a marked degree, the entire vegetative sphere. We find, in the effects of Graphites, all the phenomena of a depressed vegetative life, and a diminished assimilative activity, and can only remark, as a specialty, the peculiar tendency to the formation of pus. This specialty will be noted hereafter.
1/ Vegetative Life. Almost no remedy attacks this system with so great energy in proportion to the degree of reaction which it excites. In this respect, Graphites stands between Arsenic and the Carbons. The phenomena of "general and local excitement induced by it are pretty clear, yet are only to be explained as secondary ; and they proceed only from the vascular system, and, in a very slight degree, from the nervous system.
2/ Secretions. In general, the secretions are diminished and thickened. The character of decomposition is manifest in a greater or less degree ; hence, the secretions are offensive, of unnatural color and repulsive taste. As is always the case when the character of decomposition prevails, the serous secretions are increased.
3/ Skin. Here we see, strongly developed, the phenomena furnished by every disease which manifests a tendency to morbid secretions, viz. : itching, formation of pimples ; irritation, with bluish-red papules of various size, having an erysipelatous aspect. There is, however, a special tendency to erythema, suppuration, ulceration ; hence, serous vesicles, ulcers discharging pus and sanies, moist eruptions, rhagades, scaly ulcers on all parts of the skin, and on its transitions to mucous membrane, especially about the mouth.
4/ Mucous Membranes. In the mucous membranes, this character of Graphites is still more distinctly manifested. Their secretion is, for the most part, diminished ; hence, they become dry. The secretions assume a thick, tenacious character, are difficult of solution (as excretion), and have a foul, saltish taste.
(1) The Eye becomes turbid and dry, the lids cohere ; they burn and are irritated.
(2) In the Ear, "a similar condition is manifested ; buzzing in the ear, and deafness.
(3) Dryness of the Nose, inclination to sneeze, loss of smell, or a foul odor constantly in the nose.
4) Mouth and Throat. Coated tongue ; sensation as of something fixed in the throat ; frequent endeavors to hawk up something ; dryness of throat, hoarseness, tickling, burning, rawness ; dyspnea ; anxiety, dry laborious cough.
(5) Intestinal Tract. Diminished stools ; dryness and burning in the urethra and vagina ; difficult and painful micturition.
The tendency, to ulceration appears most distinctly in those mucous membranes which are in more immediate contact with the atmosphere ; ulcerative pain, with vesicles, pustules and ulcers, and corresponding discharges from nose and mouth.
5. The Urinary Secretion is either diminished or increased ; more frequently diminished.
6. Menstruation. Diminished, retarded, enfeebled (Hahnemann).
7. The Seminal Secretion is likewise scanty, or fails entirely ; hence diminished Sexual instinct, and imperfect ejaculation of semen.
8. Assimilation. Graphites diminishes the assimilative action, inasmuch as the part destroyed by its primary, decomposing action is not perfectly restored ; while at the same time it enlarges it, inasmuch as it induces abnormal deposits and secretions. The altered blood-crasis does not permit a sufficient regeneration of the removed portions ; hence the vital turgor sinks, the tissues lose their elasticity ; while the new tissues do not arrive at textual completeness. Hence ensue collapse, flabbiness, discoloration of skin and mucous membranes, loss of epidermis, falling out of the hair.
Circulation is generally, at first, in a state of excitement ; hence sometimes a general storm, but more frequently partial congestions present themselves. Soon, however, the circulation loses energy, becomes slow, idle, weak.
As everywhere, under such circumstances, so here also appear soon an increased venosity, and then stases in the capillary vascular system, which lead to exudations in the form of oedema, ecchymosis, vesicles, etc.
In the lymphatic system, the same process goes on ; hence swelling of the glands, induration, and irritation. In this condition, a corresponding fever is evident, in which the cold predominates, the heat being less general and less violent ; coldness of greater part of the body, and heat only here and there. Sweat and thirst, especially thirst, are often violent, and, as in all enfeebled conditions, are easily and speedily provoked by slight causes.
The nervous system partakes very little in the action of Graphites, since this action is not excessive, rapid, nor violent. The phenomena that do occur are chiefly those of depression ; hence the cerebral activity is markedly impaired.
The general sensation, according as it does with the condition of the vegetative life, is depressed ; hence genet al weakness, lassitude, relaxation of the tissues. Syncope is easily induced, together with great anxiety.
On this account the feeling of lassitude is altogether the predominant general sensation ; the other varieties of pain not being constantly produced by Graphites, but being due to the local conditions induced by it. The activity of the motory functions is impaired ; these functions lack energy, but their debility never amounts to more than a very slight degree of paralysis ; while, on the other hand, convulsive jerkings, tremblings, and spasmodic phenomena are not unfrequently present.
Particular Functions. 1/ Digestion is impaired. Graphites an especial relation to this process ; for several symptoms are peculiar to Graphites, viz. ; salt, sour, foul taste in the mouth, aversion, especially to meat and salt food, and disinclination to other articles of food ; unpleasant sensation before eating ; during a meal, immediate unpleasant effects, especially abdominal distension, borborygmi ; after eating, many sufferings, burning sticking, and stomach cramp, singultus, nausea ; many marked secondary symptoms.
2/ Intestinal Canal, At the same time with above digestive phenomena, great meteorismus, discharges of flatus, and cramps.
Liver and Spleen. Pain ; bilious vomiting. Stool generally retained solid, of a horribly offensive character ; seldom watery.
Anus. Burning and pinching. Prolapsus, discharges of blood ; haemorrhoidal tumors.
Urine. The urinary and genital systems are markedly affected.
Graphites is applicable, according to special indications, in both acute and chronic diseases ; more frequently in chronic. The acute conditions in which it is indicated cannot be strictly and purely such, but rather be conditions growing out of a chronic diseased state, corresponding in general character to Graphites. Its province is the more highly developed affections of the vegetative sphere, and we might in this view call Graphites a high potency of Sulphur ; for no small number of symptoms is common to both remedies ; in Graphites, however, they reach a higher grade of development. This intermediate position of Graphites between Sulphur and Arsenic and Carbon, indicates its very extended sphere of action, which, however, is distinct from that of the others, inasmuch as Graphites has so marked a tendency to the ulcerative and corresponding processes.
Diseases in General, 1. Cutaneous Affections. Those which are disposed to suppuration. Ulceration with a peculiar scanty discharge, and formation of fungous granulation (hence panaritis). This ulcer is not easily healed presents, however, a certain degree of vitality, even of irritation ; hence granulations form, or at least there is an evident tendency to their formation. Scrofula and tubercle do not generally correspond to Graphites, yet may do so in individual forms, which are not infrequent.
Arthritis. Graphites is one of the very first remedies, especially where there is no deposit, or a very slight one, when it is probable that the sero-fibrous tissues, by their dryness, aggravate the condition.
Diseases in particular. 1. Skin is especially the province of Graphites. Its distinctive character is this : a product forms, the epidermis is removed, pustules and vesicles form and re-form, or disappear, and are succeeded by scales ; the pustules or scales fall away, and leave a raw place, difficult to heal, and generally covered by a certain amount of secretion, which, in the air, dries to a scab, scale, or membrane, and covers the spot. Moreover, cutaneous secretions are produced, which thicken and elevate the epidermis, and form granulations of various kinds (horny, panaritic fungi). Finally, to Graphites belong those skin diseases which are followed by successive crops of little vesicles, which scab over and so gradually cover large surfaces. In this category belong eczema, herpes, impetigo, lichen ( ?), in the lower grades ; psoriasis, pityriasis, ichthyosis, scaly eruption on the head, and falling out of the hair. Among the maladies not herein included, and in which Graphites is indicated, is erysipelas, which frequently returns, or has so slow a migration that gradually almost the whole body is covered by it.
2/ Eyes. Often recurring inflammation, especially with formation of ulcers. Scrofulous ophthalmia, with cohesions of the lids and photophobia, especially in conjunction with crusta lactea. Dryness of the conjunctiva.
3/ Ears. Deafness, buzzing in the ears, when in a gouty constitution, but especially when there is reason to suspect dryness of the mucous lining of the ear, as, for example,. simultaneous dry catarrh of the nose, pharynx, etc.
Toothache, with swelling and ulceration of the gums.
Ulcers of the Mouth. Especially with offensive swellings of the glands of the throat ; frequent angina, with consequent ulceration.
Chronic Gastritis (Ulcus perforans).
Genitalia. Swelling of prepuce, especially in children.
Herpes Preputialis. Burning on micturition. Want of semen and lack of sexual instinct ; swelling and induration of testes. Hydrocele. Enlarged ovaries ; amenorrhoea ; Menses scanty, delayed, and painful.
Respiratory Organs Dryness of mucous membrane ; hence chronic catarrh in many cases of tuberculosis ; great roughness and hoarseness of the voice ; sensibility of larynx or quick respiration, and on change of temperature, inducing a tickling and spasmodic cough.
N. B. Applicable to the pyoemic and uremic processes ; to affections of the liver without degenerations.
Belongs to that class of remedies which act chiefly on the nervous system Its action is very moderate in degree ; hence not very striking. Its exciting action is exerted chiefly on the thoracic plexus ; it stands therefore in a kind of opposition to Nux vomica, which, affects rather the sub diaphragmatic ganglia.
1/ Nervous System. The brain and spinal system are scarcely affected ; at most they are affected only by a reflex action. Still, less is the, sensorium acted upon. Little or no pain is induced ; at most it is secondary. The symptoms of spasm are more numerous and better marked.
Character. The symptoms reveal a distinctly intermittent character, in which they are rivaled only by Nux and Pulsatilla. The pains suddenly appear and suddenly disappear. They are aggravated at night (because the vegetative sphere is especially affected). For the same reasons, similar symptoms occur at the same time in various parts of the body. Gastric phenomena are always present ; and organic sensation, i e. ; consciousness of defined organic conditions, in a high degree ; e. g., nausea, constant constriction of the chest, premonitions of spasms, constrictive sensations in the salivary ducts, in the urinary and sexual organs.
2/ Vascular System. Great analogy to Nux. Ipecacuanha has little effect on the great vessels and the heart (Nux affects the capillary system and the great vessels at the same time) ; it has more especial affinity to the capillary vascular system alone ; hence external coldness, and internal heat, and vice versa, objective heat, but subjective coldness of the skin, and vice versa.
3/ Vegetation. Ipecacuanha excites and alters the vegetation. The secretions are in generall diminished in quantity ; in quality they are scarcely altered. There seems to be no connection or mutual dependence between objective and subjective phenomena. Sweat, urine, saliva, are for the most part increased ; other secretions, which require a greater elaboration, for example, those of mucous membranes, are diminished. Bile is generally increased. Hemorrhages are frequent (because of the action of Ipecacuanha on the capillary system)-, yet no profuse discharge of undecomposed blood, threatening the organism. Ipecacuanha affects the stomach and chest, but acts less strongly on the intestines. Nausea, inflation, constrictive sensation, vomiting (scanty), without giving relief, and the matters vomited not qualitatively altered. Foul taste, scratched feeling in the throat, yet the tongue not foul, etc. The peristaltic action of the bowels is diminished ; the antiperistaltic increased ; constipation, also watery diarrhea.
Lungs : More important action, constriction, dyspnea, irritation inducing cough, increased sensibility, spasm, diminished secretion.
Application. To pale, blonde individuals, women and children. Disturbance of the vegetative nervous system, of the stomach and lungs at the same time.
Special. 1/ Disorder of the stomach after an excess, if the disturbance continue some time (for the more transient disorders, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, etc.). After typhus and intermittent fever, for the remaining stomach affections,
chronic nausea, and vomiting. Indisposition after eating, yet without loss of appetite. In particular the gastric phenomena of pregnancy. All these ailments are generally conjoined with chest affections, anxiety, constriction, etc.
2/ Acute affections. Variola, morbilli catarrh, in its last stages.
3/ Intermittent fever. It ranks with Nux vomica Pulsatilla, and China, as one of the best remedies. The fever in which it is indicated is characterized by gastric phenomena of low intensity ; the chill predominates, and the chest also, is affected ; the patient feels as if a hoop were placed around the body.
4/ Nervous fever in the beginning ; cholera in the beginning ; and in the sequelae of cholera.
5/ Hemorrhage, from partial over-excitements, especially in incipient tuberculosis in young girls ; also in hemorrhage from paralysis of the capillary vascular system, but never in hemorrhage arising from general crasis, or decomposition. Seldom in hemorrhage from the stomach and intestines ; oftener in that from the lungs and nose.
6/ After the violence of acute pulmonary affections has abated, when irritation remains. In chronic catarrh with physical symptoms of a very low grade ; when the irritation inducing cough, and the dyspnea are great at periodic intervals ; hence, in all asthmatic cases. In all coughs with a tendency to vomiting, if not violent, even in a slight degree. Spasms during pregnancy. Abuse of China.
China has much in common with Arsenic and Carbo vegetabilis. It develops its effects on the vitality of the blood ; debility ensues, like that induced by venesection, in which the quantity and quality of the blood are altered,
and, in consequence various functional disturbances manifest themselves. The entire vegetation suffers, the tone of the organism becomes enfeebled, the blood becomes thin and watery, and the circulation lacks energy ; hence ensue stases, hemorrhage, watery diarrhea, abundant sweat and urine.
Circulation. The energy of the circulation is diminished ; the pulse becomes small and weak in consequence of the
anemia ; hence, erethism and debility. (Carbo induces debility, with torpor ; Arsenic, debility, with excitation, presenting, therefore, a closer analogy to China.) The veins become varicose ; the arteries, however, retain their tone.
Nervous System. Erethistically affected. Greatly increased sensibility to all external influences. (China induces. greater sensitiveness of the scalp to external touch than any other remedy does). The affection of the nervous system exercises a reflex action on the blood ; hence, also, excitation alternating with depression. (Belladonna induces it continuous, enduring excitation.)
Vegetation. The whole vegetation appears depressed, the vital turgor diminished. The skin is pale and earthy, the vessels being visible through it. The digestive function is modified. For the liver, China has a special affinity, as well, as for the spleen, in enlargement of which a small dose of China effects a speedy diminution of volume.
China induces hyperemia of both of these organs ; the diminution is therefore a secondary effect. (Piorry's experiments.)
To the Stomach, China bears important relations (especially to the solar plexus), enfeebling its activity, inducing loss of appetite, without vitiating the taste. Nausea, and ,disinclination for certain articles of ordinary diet, result from the altered digestive, activity and the altered secretions ; in particular, water-brash, in consequence of the watery secretions. The rest of the digestive carnal is but little affected ; watery stools, however, occur, in consequence of intestinal paralysis ; hence, also Lienteria.
To the Lungs and Genital Organs, China has no special relations. The secretions of the mucous 'membranes are-watery and thin (oedema pulmonum). It is not specifically indicated in anasarca, and it induces vesicles (miliaria) only by inducing a general debility. To the uterus, no especial affinity. The menstrual flow is increased in quantity and in fluidity, with general weakness and anaemia.
Characteristic Symptoms. 1. Pains. Sticking, tearing drawing, in particular lassitude, with a peculiar restlessness, impelling to 'constant motion. Pain, as if after a journey on foot.
2/ Aggravation. By touch, motion, and by every kind of physical or mental effort.
3/ Very great sensitiveness to external influences, especially of the skin and the head, to the external touch.
4/ Yellow, earthy hue of the skin.
5/ Fever, chill predominating ; great and cold but partially distributed. Thirst during the cold, and between it and the heat.
6/ Pulse generally quick, small, and soft.
7/ Thirst during the cold stage.
8/ Gastric affection ; water-brash.
9/ Swelling and pain of liver and spleen.
10/ Diarrhea, watery and soft : slowly expelled.
11/ Menses generally increased, but thin and watery.
12/ Symptoms periodic in character.
13/ Feeble condition after loss of vital juices, after hemorrhages, sweat, pollutions, onanism, etc.
1. After all enfeebling maladies (intermittent and nervous fever, etc.).
2. After great loss of fluids.
3. After mental exertions, night watchings, etc.
(1). In atrophia infantilis and senilis.
(2). In hemorrhages, only when they depend on debility, on torpor of the vessels, and fluidity of the blood.
4. In chlorosis, China compares with Pulsatilla and Ferrum.
(1). Pulsatilla is indicated when paleness predominates, where emaciation is not yet marked, and where the turgor vitalis is still present. Flour Albus.
(2). China, where there is a yellowish hue, gastric, symptoms are conjoined, and the turgor vitalis is going or quite gone.
5/ Hydrops from atony and anaemia.
6/ Sequelae of liver disease. Ascites.
7/ Sequels of cutaneous disease. Oedema, cyanosis.
8/ Typhus seldom, and only when accompanied by their bilious diarrhea.
9/ Sequelae of cholera.
10/ Intermittent fever. The experience of allopaths shows that in this disease we should not neglect China. Dr. Kaspar says he gives China in all cases of intermittent fever, in which no other remedy is clearly indicated, even though the indication be not very clear for China. The enlarged spleen diminishes in a short time and permanently.
11/ Gastric and bilious, according to their form. Gastralgia.
12/ Affections of liver and spleen. Enlargement of the liver.
13/ Lienteries, a cardinal remedy. (Weakness of the : intestinal canal a too thin gastric secretion.)
14/ Nocturnal pollutions too frequent. Amenorrhea ; abortion ; delayed parturition ; chlorotic palpitation of the heart. With reference to general sensibility ; compare China with Cocculus and Ignatia.
Phosphorus acts directly upon the blood-life, modifying it in a remarkable manner, producing a tendency to decomposition, and causing ecchymosis, haemorrhage and depositions in the parenchymatous organs. The pus of which it induces the formation is intermediate between true pus and sanies. Phosphorus induces, in particular, a violent erethistic condition of the whole vital processs, acting, first, upon the nervous system, then by a reflex action upon the vascular and the remaining system, and causing in its subsequent action, apathy, torpor, and paralytic conditions.
1/ Vascular System. Erethism is distinctly marked. Sometimes it is general ; sometimes partial, affecting especially the head and chest ; chills predominate, but excessive heat is often induced, 'and these sensations alternate quickly with each other. Sensations resulting from a partial erethistic condition in the head and chest accompany almost all other symptoms. Throbbing of the vessels of the head (also Belladonna), The general temperature is much elevated. Thirst may be increased or absent. Sweat is much increased.
2/ Nervous System. Much excited. This excitement is manifested in gayety and levity, in diminished sleep without consequent suffering ; in restlessness and dreamful sleep, in entire sleeplessness, even in delirium. The fantasy is exalted. In the further action of Phosphorus apathy is induced ; the mental activity and ability are diminished ; trembling and jerking of the, muscles are frequent, especially of the muscles of the head, face and neck.
3/ Nutrition. Impaired as shown by the earthy complexion, with the peculiar yellow tint, recognized in the Phosphorus degeneration. The turgor vitalis is at first increased, then depressed, emaciation' resulting. The Secretions are in general diminished, even to dryness. (Sweat and urine are (mechanically ?) increased).
4/ Skin. Phosphorus has little affinity for the skin. It induces the formation of papules and of ulcers, especially on the points of transition between the mucous membrane and the skin, and in the hollows of the joints (this is very characteristic). Ecchymoses.
5/ Eyes. Irritation, swelling, the conjunctiva is reddened, and the cornea is rendered opaque ; the globe of the eye enlarges, and vesicles form in and around the eyes ; in consequence, sensations as of clouds and sparks before the eyes are induced, with a sensation as of sand in the eye, and twitching of the eyelids.
6/ Ears. Dryness.
7/ Nose. Dryness, ulceration, sticking, efflorescence -around the nose.
8/ Mouth. Dryness, furred tongue, vesicles, aphthae, difficult deglutition (because of the dryness). The pharynx is irritated and inflamed.
9/ Digestion. Disturbed, as is shown by loss of appetite, disgust, nausea, scanty vomiting, acrid eructations.
10/ Excretions. Sensation of heat through the whole intestinal track, even to burning, relieved by Coffee. Various
pains. Great development of gas (meteorismus tympanitis). Stools are scanty, of a pappy nature, green, also gray, thin and frequent. Sometimes they are difficult and painful, attended by tenesmus and burning in the anus.
11/ Respiratory Organs. A Specific Action. Phosphorus induces great dryness, roughness, hoarseness, laborious cough, with a scanty, tenacious, muco-purulent and bloody expectoration. The respiration is accelerated, with a feeling of constriction, heat, congestion and sticking pain.
12/ Genito-Urinary Organs. Inflammation of the kidneys (?). Diminution or increase of the urine ; burning in the urethra, or involuntary micturition. The sexual instinct is increased, showing itself in' priapism, nymphomania, pollution, powerless coitus, etc. Menstruation is too early and too copious.
13/ Bones. Phosphorus exerts a specific action, especially on the jaw-bones, inducing inflammation and suppuration, with a simultaneous formation of callus.
Phosphorus is indicated as well in acute as in chronic cases, rather in acute diseases. In all conditions of nervous and vascular irritation with debility, hence in erethistic conditions it stands before all other remedies. In the diseases in which it is applicable, the transition is always easy to torpor ; there is always a dyscrasia, approaching in character the Typhoid dyscrasia.
Special Application. 1. In typhus. The Phosphorus pathogenesis is a perfect picture of erethistic typhus (cerebral and abdominal). It is to be compared with Arsenicum, which produces collapse, decubitus, and colliquative diarrhea, and is thereby distinguished from Phosphorus, which has no diarrhea.
In pneumo-typhus, where the diagnosis hesitates between tuberculosis and typhus. In all cases in which inflammation takes on a nervous character, e. g., dysentery, pyohemia ; acute catarrh, with nervous symptoms.
2/ To inflammation of mucous membranes Phosphorus has a peculiar affinity, with a scanty muco-purulent secretion. Hence, in ophthalmia with general vascular excitement ; in pneumonia tuberculosa (frequent in Phosphorus factories), in gastritis, enteritis, nephritis, and hematuria, with dark, scanty, turbid urine.
3/ Osteitis and necrosis, especially of maxillary bones.
4/ Rheumatism. In bone diseases depending on rheumatism. In diseases assuming a chronic form.
1/ Day-blindness ; photophobia, with spots and sparks before the eyes. Otitis, with deafness after nervous fevers. Polypus nasi. Dental caries.
2/ Priapism, impotence ; amenorrhea.
Chamomilla affects directly both the animal and vegetable nervous systems, the latter in a greater degree. It acts more decidedly on the sensitive than on the motory sphere. Like Ignatia, it has no violent, long-enduring, or deep-felt action. Nevertheless, by a long use of it, the vegetation is seriously affected.
1/ In the animal nervous system. Motory sphere. Slight spasms, or rather tremblings and twitchings, of short duration. The parts among which the middle spinal nerves are distributed appear most strongly affected.
2/ Vegetation. The sensitive sphere is more affected than the motory. 1. Spasm occurs also in the vegetative muscular system ; but of a feeble character. 2. Pain in stomach and intestines is very considerable. When spasm occurs, pain is always present predominating over the spasm (colic), and very often pain occurs without spasm.
First the gastro-intestinal sphere is affected, then the thoracic.
Singultus when eating, ructus, vomituritio, vomitus, all this being attended by more or less pain. Sensation of fullness when the stomach is empty, and vice versa. Anxiety in the epigastrium after eating ; drawing pains in the loins and hypochondria; accumulation of saliva in the mouth ; alienated taste ; sometimes even vertigo ; loss of sense. Hence, in general, aggravation after eating.
2/ Intestine. Pain, flatulence, peristaltic motion increased, anti-peristaltic motion induced.
3/ Chest. Increased irritability of the lungs ; hence tickling, constriction, and anxiety.
4/ Brain. Irritability, anger, chagrin, restlessness, anxiety, weeping, groaning, fright, crying out, speaking during sleep, and sudden starting, especially in children.
5/ Vascular System. Easily excited ; hence frequent congestions of short duration. Contradiction of the objective and subjective symptoms, e. g., external cold, and internal heat, as in the case of Ignatia ; Chamomilla, however, has pain and greater disturbance of sensation than Ignatia, and its vascular excitement is greater, amounting to a considerable degree of fever, even to delirium, and attended by violent thirst.
6/ Blood. Little affected, unless by a long use of Chamomilla, which renders the blood less plastic and induces chlorosis.
7/ Secretions. Not altered, only increased, especially those of the intestines and liver ; in consequence of the latter effect, the excretions are more green in appearance, and increased in quantity. Development of flatus.
8/ Female Sexual System. Although this system is not specifically affected, yet the menses and sexual instinct are increased.
9/ Aggravation of the pains by rest and warmth.
Chamomilla is applicable in erethism of the sensitive nervous spheres ; hence, peculiarly appropriate for children and for women, especially during pregnancy; for persons of irritable temperament, prone to congestion, after chagrin and anger. Among children's diseases, it is especially appropriate for such as result from the use of milk either always bad or rendered so temporarily by a fit of anger on the part of the nurse, inducing vomiting, cuttings in the abdomen, etc.
Chamomilla may be used, when indicated, in all diseases, except in conditions of torpor and synocha, or of great excitation ; hence, in sub-acute conditions, hysteria, certain Odontalgias, with jerkings and distortion of the face, aggravated by warmth ; in sub-acute rheumatism; in mastitis.
In erysipelas faciei it is renowned. In intermittent fever, with abdominal symptoms characteristic of Chamomilla. In diarrhea, with violent pains ; abdominal spasms before the evacuation ; stools pappy, watery, acid and bilious. In gastric affections, especially after chagrin and anger, with much thirst and heat. Icterus, consequent on a fit of anger, with great excitability. Important in the period of dentition ; in the menstrual period, for menstrual colic ; metrorrhagia with the characteristic symptoms of Chamomilla false pains ; in several varieties of asthma, with great sensibility. Ischias, cramp of the calves.
The primary action of Nux Vomica is exerted exclusively upon the Nervous System, inducing, first, variation in the intensity, of action of that system, viz., excitation, soon followed by torpidity, and secondly, alteration, in its mode of action.
The Motory or Centrifugal factor of the nervous system is especially affected. The Central portions (the ganglia and the spinal cord themselves) are more affected than the peripheric, and above all the abdominal ganglia and those parts of the spinal cord in immediate connection with the diaphragm.
1/ Spinal Cord. The action of Nux is chiefly on the motory or centrifugal factor, producing spasm, especially in the abdomen and lower extremities, rather tonic than clonic, induced by very slight exciting causes, even by change of weather. Individual Symptoms. Jerkings, stiffness, cramp, spasm of the, pharynx, and of the anus, erection of the penis, spasm of the bladder, in a word, of all the half voluntary muscles, spasmodic distortion of the face and mouth. Trismus, spasm of the tongue (followed by partial paralysis) of the oesophagus and rectum. All of these symptoms are followed by torpidity and temporary partial paralysis.
2/ Vegetative System, Motory Factor. Dilatation and contraction of the iris, spasm of the stomach and intestine. The chief malady of this system, bearing close relation to the symptoms of Nux is cardialgia, both presenting us eructations, nausea, vomiting, constriction and protrusion of the intestine, painful anti-peristaltic motion, palpitation, pulse momentarily irregular.
3/ Cerebral System. The character of the phenomena induced by Nux in this system, is similar to that above depicted, but the phenomena are less strongly pronounced. They are the reflex of those induced in the spinal and vegetative system. The Organs of Sense are strongly influenced, but those functions which are peculiarly cerebral (i. e., sensorial functions, phantasy, etc.) are but slightly affected. Susceptibility to mental and sensuous impressions is greatly increased ; this condition is soon followed by one of apathy, in which, however, consciousness is preserved.
(N. B. Under the action of Stramonium and Hyoscyamus, in a corresponding condition, consciousness is lost.)
4/ The Pains and Sensations excited by Nux are such as Usually accompany spasm cramp-pains, jerkings, etc., A feeling of exhaustion, a sensation as if beaten, is very constantly observed.
Phenomena of the Vegetative Life generally.
1/ Vascular System. Increased activity, soon followed by exhaustion, hence Nux rather retards than accelerates the circulation (causing congestions). The general effects of Nux in this respect resemble those of Cocculus and Ignatia. The frequently observed phenomenon of external cold with internal heat (and vice versa) is important, as showing this state of partial excitation and partial torpidity.
Character of the Fever. Violent chill, external heat with internal cold, and vice versa. The thirst is slight, or there is great thirst at the period of greatest coldness (showing that the latter is a consequence of alteration of nervous functions, and not of an immediate vascular excitement ; this is shown, too, by the fact that drinking rather aggravates than relieves the thirst).
2/ Assimilation. The effects of Nux are very complex, its especial action being upon the abdominal ganglionic system. A habitus gastricus is the chief indication for its administration ; a skin yellowish or earthy, eyes yellow or dirty-looking, tongue coated, teeth yellow, irritability of temper, hypochondriasis, hysteria.
3/ Gastric Phenomena. These depend on alteration in the mode of action of the nerves. The gastric secretion is modified, the odor of the breath is unpleasant, the taste is salt or bitter. These phenomena depend on the condition of the stomach, and not upon any altered state of the mouth (as appears from the fact that the sense of taste retains its full power of distinguishing different articles and qualities of food, a characteristic of Nux), bulimia or anorexia. While eating, nausea, headache, tormina ; after eating, these symptoms are aggravated, eructations, vomiting, which is never profuse, but is generally sour or bitter mucus. Thirst, yet drinks are not well endured. Although these symptoms occur after eating, they are also manifested at other times an evidence of the alteration of nervous
Morning Vomiting. The secretion of the stomach and intestines, especially of the latter, is diminished in quantity (hence constipation), as well as altered in quality (hence irritation and tenesmus). Faeces are diminished in quantity, hard, dark, and compact.
Hepatic System. On this system Nux acts powerfully. Its effects are rather dynamic than organic. The secretion of bile is markedly increased.
Genital System. Erethism, manifested by pollution, and too rapid emission ; or again, as the result of over-excitement, by loss of erectile power Menstruation too early and too copious.
Respiratory System. Spasmodic action. The secretion of the mucous membranes is diminished ; they are irritable, hence a cough is easily produced ; a dry, tickling cough, with scanty, thick, tenacious expectoration. A frequent sensation of constriction, arising partly from spasm, and partly from congestion.
Characteristics. 1/ High excitement of the whole nervous system, especially, however, or those parts of the spinal and ganglionic system which lie below the diaphragm ; especial relation to the 'notary sphere ; hence spasm, both tonic and clonic.
2/ Vascular System. Excitation and impediment, each of these phenomena having the character of partiality.
3/ Powerful effects upon the vegetation, especially in the digestive canal ; hence gastric affections predominate. In general, diminished secretions (hence constipation) ; irritation of the thoracic organs ; sexual erethism ; too early menstruation. Seldom pain, with the exception of headache ; rather, sensations are produced.
Administration. Nux is especially appropriate to diseases of men, lean, of strong fiber, who take rich food, are given to spirituous drink, and to mental labor ; in following diseased conditions.
1/ Nervous Affections. Spasm, general or partial, especially of the lower part of the body, especially those which involve, at the same time, the muscles of both animal and vegetative spheres ; in all cases where Nux is indicated, consciousness must be retained ; cases in which pressure or warmth applied to the vertebral column provokes the spasms. Tonic spasm, in the forms of tetanus, trismus, eclampsia infantum, etc. Nux is a very important remedy in cases of trembling induced by metallic poisoning,' and in saturnine colic. Spasms of the pharynx and larynx, and of the diaphragm ; angina pectoris. Spasm of the stomach ; spasmodic vomiting, with scanty evacuation ; vomiting during pregnancy. Hernia. Flatulent and menstrual colic. Over-excitability of the senses. Irritation of the spinal cord.
2/ Intermittent Fever. Nux is probably indicated in nine cases out of every ten.2 These cases are distinguished by certain gastric phenomena ; the complexion is of a light icteric hue ; there is obstinate constipation, with violent pain in the loins. The cold predominates. Thirst is present, yet drinking aggravates the symptoms.
3/ In Typhus, Nux is only sympathetically indicated, when there is continued constipation, or in the mild form of typhus, attended by the peculiar gastric symptoms of Nux.
4/ Sub-acute and chronic muscular rheumatism ; certain forms of delirium tremens ; nervous vertigo, depending on abnormal affections. Morning vomitus after a debauch.
Headache after meals ; the cephalic congestion always, if conjoined with gastric phenomena.
5/ In gastric derangements from use of coffee ; dynamic affections of the liver. In hernia, both free and incarcerated. In hemorrhoids. In neuralgia. In catarrh, with dry, laborious, tickling cough ; with spasm, and even vomiting.
For poisoning by Arsenic, with trembling of the hands, in hat-makers, they give, in the General Hospital ( Allopathic) of Vienna, sulphur, in drachm doses, and relieve the patient generally in about four days. C. D. (1)
It will be remembered that these lectures were delivered in a suburb of Vienna, in which a peculiar form of Intermittent Fever is endemic. C. D. (2)
16 Remedies : No. I. Hepar sulphuris calcareum (<>), No. II. Conium maculatum (<>), No. III. Mercurius (<>), No. IV. Aconite (<>), No. V. Calcarea carbonica (<>), No. VI. Bryonia alba (<>), No VII. Rhus toxicodendron (<>), No. VIII. Colchicum autumnale (<>), No IX. Ledum palustre (<>), No X. Sepia (<>), No XI Graphites (<>), No XII Ipeca (<>), No XIII China (<>), No. XIV. Phosphorus (<>), No. XV. Chamomilla (<>), No. XVI. Nux vomica (<>).
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