Platina (1853)

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(Adapted from the German of Dr. Veit Meyer.)


Dr. Carroll Dunham, M.D.

Original order :

Preparations for medicinal use. (<>),

Literature. (<>),

Action. (<>),

I/ Disturbances In The Uterine System.(<>)

II/ Disturbances In The Psychical Sphere Of The Nervous System. (<>)

III/ The Disturbances in the Vegetative Nervous System. (<>)

Stomach. (<>)

Abdomen. (<>)

IV/ Affections of the Motory Nervous Apparatus.

Spasmodic Phenomena.(<>)

Paralytic Phenomena.(<>)

V/ Affections of the Sensitive Nervous System (<>)

A/ Anesthesia. (<>)

B/ Pains and sensations. (<>)

VI/ Affections of the Sensorial Nervous System. (<>)


Alphabetical order :

A/ Anesthesia. (<>)

Abdomen. (<>)

Action. (<>),

B/ Pains and sensations. (<>)

I/ Disturbances In The Uterine System.(<>)

II/ Disturbances In The Psychical Sphere Of The Nervous System. (<>)

III/ The Disturbances in the Vegetative Nervous System. (<>)

IV/ Affections of the Motory Nervous Apparatus.

V/ Affections of the Sensitive Nervous System (<>)

VI/ Affections of the Sensorial Nervous System. (<>)

Literature. (<>),

Paralytic Phenomena.(<>)

Preparations for medicinal use. (<>),

Spasmodic Phenomena.(<>)

Stomach. (<>)


Preparations for medicinal use.

Chemically pure Platina, which is soft, and may be cut with a knife, is dissolved in aqua regia by the aid of heat, the resultant golden yellow solution diluted to a sufficient extent, and a clean smooth rod of steel suspended in it, on which the Platina precipitates, forming a crystalline coating.

This precipitate, which may be easily rubbed off the rod, is several times washed in distilled water (until free from acid), and then well dried between layers of bibulous paper.

One grain of this precipitate, triturated for two hours with ninety-nine grains of milk sugar, forms the first centesimal trituration of Platina.

The further dynamizations are prepared in the usual manner.



Stapf and Gross, Archiv. I., 1 : Hahnemann, Chronic Diseases, v.



Platina develops its effects as well in the province of the brain as in that of the spinal cord, and of the great nervous branches proceeding from it.

The great splanchnic nerves, distributed in the abdomen, and, in particular, the nerves of the uterine system given off from the hypogastric plexus, are especially affected by Platina.

From this specific action, no inconsiderable number of symptoms seem to result which are quite peculiar to this remedy, as well moral affections as many aches and pains.

Hence this remedy, as will be seen, is especially appropriate for diseases of females, such as we often meet in women and maidens.


Whether Platina is suitable only for irritable, excitable females, with predominant activity of the sexual functions, as the majority of writers assume, and among them Stapf and Gross, the provers of it, who, by the way, made their provings on a very excitable young woman, I shall leave undetermined.


For myself, I have had frequent occasion to administer Platina, and have obtained the very best curative results in appropriate diseased conditions, occurring in phlegmatic women of lax fiber. This observation, too, appears to me to stand by no means in opposition to the totality of the Platina symptoms, but rather to accord most clearly with them.


For, on a critical review of what has been made known concerning the action of the remedy, we find that all or by far the greater part of its symptoms bear the character of depression, but not that of erethism.


A lack of energy, a lack of electric tension of the nerves, if I may so express myself, seems to me more clearly manifest in Platina than in any other remedy. And although we find, it is true, isolated phenomena which seem to indicate a contrary action, yet we regard these only as reflex or alternate effects ; and, indeed, they occur in so isolated a manner as almost to disappear before the mass of symptoms which justify the view I have taken.


It may be that a farther proving of this drug, which, by the way, is very desirable, would disprove our assumption : for the present, however, we can only hold to that proving of which we are already in possession.


In this proving we find, in every system on which Platina acts, the stamp of relaxation, of diminished energy, of depression, of torpor.


As well in the psychical and sensuous, as in the sensitive, motor, and vegetative nervous systems, we see this character manifested by the trembling, the sensations of chilliness, the coldness and paralysis which are so frequently present.


The assertion will be demonstrated when we come to consider the passive and negative relation of Platina to the sympathetic system as the regulator of the entire vascular system in the human body.


But Platina presents no phenomena of hyperemia, no independent or primary inflammation, no strikingly accelerated circulation. Hence, we find no alternations in the pulse, such as the learned and careful provers would certainly have signalized had they occurred during the proving.


We have gained, then, several general positions with reference to the sphere of action of Platina.


1/ A negative position, viz. : that it does not directly affect the blood life.

2/ That it exerts its greatest power upon the brain and - spinal cord, and especially in several particular provinces of these nervous centers ; and, finally,

3/ That it depotentizes and depresses the nervous life.


Let us now seek to determine these characteristic qualities in the individual phenomena of the drug, and inquire, first, how and how far the action of Platina is manifest on the brain and spinal cord, and what changes this drug is able to effect in the individual spheres of these central organs. But, in giving a true picture of the action of Platina, I cannot be expected to adhere closely to the organic order of the individual parts of the nervous system.


I shall rather bring first to view those phenomena which stand forth most strikingly among the symptoms of Platina, and arrange the others subsequently in the order of their importance.


Thus, then, in surveying the isolated Platina symptoms, we encounter a pathological picture which we have not unfrequently occasion to meet in women — I mean hysteria.


In the delineation of this picture, we begin by the recital of those symptoms which relate to the proximate cause of this affection :




The following symptoms clearly indicate this :


In both groins, painful drawing, as if the menses were about to set in.

Pressing in the hypogastrium, with a feeling of weakness, as before the menses.

Painful pressing down toward the genitals, as if the menses were commencing ; sometimes with tenesmus, drawing through the groins over the hips to the sacrum, where the pain continues longer.

Painful sensibility and constant pressure in the pubic region and in the genitals, with almost constant internal chilliness and external objective coldness (except in the face).


In the evening, in bed, the painful pressure as if from the menses commencing ceases immediately, but is felt again in the morning, after rising.

Cutting in the hypogastrium, as if before the menses, with drawing headache.


On the second day of the menses, cutting in the abdomen ; then, pressing down in the groin, alternating with pressure in the genitals, with increased congestion and discharge of blood.

Pressing in the abdomen, and depression of spirits, with copious menstrual flow.

Menses six days too early, with diarrhea.

Menses fourteen days too early, and very copious.

Menses six days too early, and lasting eight days, with drawing pain in the abdomen the first day.


The first day of the menses, discharge of much clotted blood.

Voluptuous tingling in the genitals and in the abdomen, with oppressive anxiety and palpitation ; thereupon, painful pressure low in the genitals, with relaxed feeling and sticking in the sinciput.

Leucorrhoea like white of egg, without sensation, only by day, sometimes after urinating, sometimes after rising from her seat.


If we consider these symptoms connectedly, we see that the disturbances excited in the uterine system by Platina consist chiefly in certain spasmodic affections and pains, and in the too early appearance of the menstrual discharge. This anticipation of the menses, however, does not result from an abnormal, congestive overloading of the uterus with blood, as we have heretofore seen to be the case with Aconite, and as others have observed of Pulsatilla and Crocus, in the case of which remedies the clearly marked alternations in the character of the blood discharged, in addition to many other phenomena indicative of hyperemia, are evidence of such a condition.


The too early and too long-continued menstruation of Platina depend not so much on sanguineous congestion as, rather, on atony of the nerves and vessels of the uterus, whereby a condition resembling anemia is induced, which is indicated in the symptoms "pale and sunken face ; pale, wretched aspect for several days." (The heat and redness of face are alternate effects.)


This atonic condition is evidenced, too, by the already mentioned symptom, "painful sensibility, etc., with almost constant internal chilliness and external objective coldness ;" since, indeed, as we shall soon see, chilliness and coldness are peculiar to Platina.


Proceeding with the further delineation of the Platina hysteria, to which we have a good clue in the symptoms, "pressing in abdomen, with ill-humor, attending the copious menses," we shall see what is the nature of the psychical affection.




Depression, despondency, taciturnity.

She things she is neglected, and stands alone in the world.

Anxiety, with flushes of heat trembling of the hands.

Great anxiety, with violent palpitation of the heart, whenever she would speak in company, so that speaking becomes irksome to her.

Anxiety as though she should die or lose consciousness, with trembling in every limb, oppressed breathing, and violent palpitation of the heart.

Anxiety in region of the heart, and apprehensiveness, as if she must soon die, with disposition to weep, and actual weeping.

Great restlessness of disposition, — she can rest quietly nowhere, — with melancholy which renders even the most joyous objects disagreeable to her.

She thinks she is not fit for the world, is tried of life, but has the greatest dread of death, which she believes is at hand.

Morose and ill-content.

Discontent with the whole world ; everything is a constraint ; with inclination to weep.

Sad and morose, she sits alone, without speaking, and cannot resist sleep ; then, inconsolable weeping, especially when spoken to.

Silence and involuntary weeping, even after being addressed in the most friendly manner, so that she is angry at herself for it.

Disposition to weep, and weeping after receiving a mild reproof.

Ill-humored, and disposed to weep ; often obliged to weep involuntarily, which relieves her.

Disposition to weep, and melancholy ; worse in her chamber, better in the open air.

Sad and morose the first morning ; the next, indescribably happy, especially in the open air, so that she could have embraced everything, and made merry over the saddest objects.

Very lachrymose, and easily touched by causes quite too trivial.

Very earnest and silent the first day ; the next day, everything presents itself to her in a ridiculous aspect.

Chilliness and shuddering, mingled with fugitive heat, with ill-humored taciturnity in the open air ; later, pleasant warmth throughout whole body, with return of cheerfulness.

Great cheerfulness, so that she could dance, a half hour after weeping.

Great cheerfulness for two days ; everything seems joyous, she could laugh at the saddest object ; third day, great melancholy in the morning and evening, with weeping, even over joyous or ridiculous objects, and also when spoken to.

Involuntary disposition to whistle and sing.


Very fretful and irritable, even at things and words that are quite innocent, so that she could sometimes strike at herself and her friends.

No remedy gives us so striking a picture of the hysteric perversion of the disposition as Platina.


The depression and anxiety which often increase in intensity, even up to actual apprehension of death, so that, as I have sometimes experienced at the bedside, patients make every provision and arrangement for the disposition of their affairs after death, are characteristic indications of hysteria as well as of the Platina disease.


Platina, however, is most especially appropriate in that form of hysteria in which the disposition to weep, and the fear of death, which is thought to be at hand, accompany all the other morbid phenomena. I remember a case in which a mother was compelled, on account of debility, to wean her child earlier than she had wished to do so.


Several days after I was called to her, and on entering the chamber found her friends wringing their hands as they surrounded her bed ; for the patient, who never ceased weeping, spoke amid anxiety and apprehension, of nothing but her death, and how fearful it was to have to die so young. She had already made all testamentary arrangements.


The most careful investigation could discover nothing morbid in the mammae, which were still distended with milk, but not hard ; even the pulse had not varied from its normal condition.


My exhortation to dismiss these thoughts of death, for which there existed, I assured my patient, not the slightest ground, was gently rejected, as was also at first the medicine I ordered for her ; and she told me with tears, that she had merely sent for me that she might see me once again before her death. Finally, I succeeded in getting her to take a grain of the third trituration of Platina. When I saw the patient again in the evening, the fear of death and the weeping had vanished, and the depression which still remained yielded the following day to her accustomed cheerfulness. She became healthy, and remained so.


Moreover, we find in the just enumerated moral symptoms of Platina, the alternations of cheerfulness and sadness, of laughing and weeping, Which are peculiar to hysteria, — just as, generally in nature, exaltation so often follows depression or alternates with it.


The same condition of depression we observe, too, in the perceptive faculty, as is shown by the following symptoms :


Illusion of fancy upon entering the room after a walk of one hour, as if everything around her were very small, and everybody inferior to her, both in regard to body and mind, and as if she herself were tall and elevated ; the room appears gloomy and disagreeable to her, accompanied with slight anguish, sad and vexed mood, vertigo, and uncomfort able feeling in the midst of a society that she was generally fond of ; all this passes off in the open air when the sun shines.

Looking down contemptuously and pitifully upon people, whom at other times she respects, against her will, in paroxysms.

During her contemptuous turns she is suddenly attacked with canine hunger, and eats in a greedy, hasty, manner ; when the regular meal-time arrived she had lost all her appetite.

Proud feeling.

Cold, absent, indifferent in company of friends ; she only answers when she must, and is only half conscious of what she says ; after having answered, she reflects whether her answer had been suitable ; she is constantly absent without knowing where her thoughts are roaming.

She imagines she does not belong to her family ; after a short absence all things appear changed to her ; absence of mind ; she listens to conversations around her, but after they are terminated she has forgotten what she heard.

Great absence of mind ; she hears not what is said to her, even when addressed with great emphasis. Not disposed to intellectual labor ; dull, stretching sensation, as of a board before the forehead, passing attacks of vertigo in quick succession, in the evening when standing, as if she would lose her consciousness ; violent vertigo, she dares not move her eyes ; more in day-time than at night ; generally when she is attacked with palpitation of the heart.


The characteristic feature of these Platina illusions is the proud exaltation of one's self above other persons, who are regarded as contemptible. This circumstance also has its origin in a depressed moral activity, as is shown by the related symptoms, "the chamber seems gloomy and unpleasant,' "anxious apprehension," "ill-humor, vertigo, and discomfort," etc., and the "alleviation in the open air." Hence, too, Stapf and Gross recommended Platina as "a very welcome specific remedy for a not infrequent kind of melancholy."


The sleep, too, gives a clear indication of disturbance in the psychic nervous system. In this relation we are to consider the following symptoms :


Excessive weakness and drowsiness in the evening ; falls-asleep after midnight, with tearing in the ball of the toe ; she wakes in the night in a sort of stupor, and is unable to collect her senses ; wakes about midnight ; ideas which she is unable to repel crowding upon her mind, no sleep until morning ; anxious dreams, and gloomy thoughts, and sad visions when waking suddenly ; anxious, confused dreams of war and bloodshed. She dreams of fires, wants to go there, but cannot get ready, with her preparations of toilet, etc.

He wakes in the morning with a peevish and anxious mood as if he had suffered injury during his sleep.


I might continue to describe hysteria in the words of the Platina symptoms ; for many more alterations of functions induced by this remedy might easily be made to contribute to the completion of the picture.

I shall mention, however, in this relation, only the digestive disturbances, the spasmodic affections, and the pains induced by Platina. But I fear to lead, by this course, to the erroneous supposition that all the other phenomena of Platina belong also to hysteria, and thus to the false conclusion that Platina is only and exclusively a remedy for hysteria ; whereas, on the one hand, not every form of hysteria finds its remedy in Platina, and

on the other, Platina is a remedy for several other morbid conditions, not only of women, but also of men.


To guard against this error, I must forbear to cite further the Platina symptoms resembling hysteria, but would not wish to deter others from studying and estimating their relations and correspondence.


First, however, I must call attention to a few other symptoms of Platina, nearly related to hysteria, less important than those already cited, but still characteristic.


It not unfrequently happens in hysteria, that a feeling of indescribable anxiety, with respiratory embarrassment, or a spasmodic constriction of the oesophagus, is experienced. This condition, generally denominated "hysteric asthma," is depicted in the following symptoms of Platina :


Sudden arrest of breathing in the throat, as. takes place when walking against the wind.

Oppressed breathing, with warm rising from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat ; she, has to take deep breath ; accompanied with a hoarse voice, going off again with the oppression. Impeded respiration from weakness of the chest ; deep breathing, as if a load were oppressing the chest ; frequent deep breathing without oppression of the chest ; asthma, as if laced too tightly, with heavy, slow breathing.


Another trouble frequently attendant on hysteria is the so-called clavus hystericus, a peculiar, tense, pressing, squeezing headache, appearing in paroxysms, and confined to a small spot.


The following symptoms may be referred to this condition : cramp-pain in the right temple in the afternoon ; cramp-pain in the forehead, as if between screws ; cramp-like tension in the temples, as if between screws ; compression in the forehead, in paroxysms ; sudden and short

pressing from without, inward in the vertex ; pressure under the right frontal eminence, increasing and decreasing in paroxysms ; sudden attack of contusive pain in a small spot of the left parietal bone ; dull pressure in the right parietal bone, as of a plug being lodged in it ; violent boaring in the center of the forehead, decreasing gradually, and finally disappearing.


Let us now leave the subject of hysteria, and consider the farther action of Platina on the healthy body ; and, first :




Viscid and slimy in the mouth the whole day, especially rafter a meal, also in the morning, with very bad humor ; occasional conflux of water in the mouth ; sensation in the upper part of the tongue as if burnt, increased by rubbing the teeth over it ; scraping sensation in the throat, as if raw, in the evening after lying down, and on the day following, sometimes accompanied with an irritation resulting in short cough ; sweet taste on the tip of the tongue ; no appetite ; she relishes the first mouthfuls, but she is soon replete ; she is speedily satisfied at supper owing to great sadness, later she eats ; pinching in the umbilical region after a meal, as if diarrhea would come on ; empty eructations in the morning ; loud eructations in the morning, and after dinner ; sudden gulping up of a bitter sour fluid, inducing cough and a scraping sensation in the throat ; nauseous feeling in the region of the stomach ; qualmishness in the region of the stomach in the morning ; continual nausea, with great faintness, anxiousness, and a trembling sensation through the whole body in the forenoon ; desire to vomit, without vomiting, coming and going increasingly accompanied with great qualmishness and uneasiness in the limbs.



Pressure in the pit of the stomach, also when touching it ; pressure in the pit of the stomach after eating

bread and butter, as if he had eaten something that had not been digested ; repletion in the stomach and abdomen, as if overloaded, in the morning before breakfast, with a good deal of empty eructation ; distension of the pit of the stomach and the stomach itself, with a scratching and tearing sensation in the stomach ; drawing pain, with pressure under the pit of the stomach, as if occasioned by a strain ; contractive pain around the pit of the stomach, as if she had laced herself too tightly, with a suffocative sensation ; painful sensation around the pit of the stomach, as if she had laced herself too tightly, with sensation as if it would go off by eating ; oppression around the pit of the stomach, independent of breathing ; pinching in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, and shortly after sensation as if pressing into the hypogastrium, as if flatulence were crowding down ; the sensation went off when a desire for emission of flatulence made its appearance, which, however, took place with great difficulty, the sensation in the groin returned all the time, with distension of the abdomen ; creeping in the pit of the stomach, rising into the throat, as if she had swallowed little particles of a feather, vomiturition ensued ; itching in the region of the stomach going off by friction ; fermenting sensation in the region of the stomach ; dull beating as with a hammer in and near the pit of the stomach, in the region of one of the cartilages of the ribs (immediately) ; violent stitches on the right side near the pit of the stomach ; dull shocks in the pit of the stomach ; violent dull stitching shocks in the pit of the stomach, slowly going and coming ; gnawing and writhing sensation in the stomach early in the morning, with canine hunger and accumulation of water in the mouth, not relieved by eating.



Colic toward evening increased by raising one's self in the bed, and then ceasing gradually ; great distension of the abdomen in the evening ; spasmodic distension of the abdomen in several places, causing elevations and depressions on the surface ; sensation in the whole of the abdomen, as if she had laced herself too tightly ; sensation in the whole abdomen, as of being pinched together from the umbilicus to the back ; painful pinching under the left short ribs ; jerking pinching in various parts of the abdomen ; jerking drawing in the right side of the abdomen, with some arrest of breathing ; a darting pain through the abdomen, succeeded by weariness of the knees ; drawing through the abdomen, from the chest toward both groins, this drawing terminates in the genital organs, where it causes a pain ; a writhing sensation around the umbilicus, with oppressed breathing, and a tremulous sensation through the whole body ; very painful stitch deep in the abdomen above the umbilicus, when suddenly raising one's self after cowering ; dull stitches in the middle of the umbilicus ; dull shocks in the abdomen, at intervals, below the short ribs ; stitches in the abdomen in the morning ; fine stinging in the right side of the abdomen, moving in the umbilical region when lying upon the affected side, but increasing when lying on the left side ; anxiety in the whole abdomen, succeeded by a pain in the abdomen as after fright, accompanied by a desire as if diarrhea would come on ; slight burning around the umbilicus ; sudden burning darting from above downward in the right side of the abdomen ; burning sensation in a small spot of the left side of the abdomen, in paroxysms ; sudden jerking, resembling a dull shock in a small spot in the abdominal integuments ; dull contusive pain below the umbilicus in the integuments ; dull shocks, a sort of beating in the region of a true lower rib ; motion in the abdomen as of flatulence ; rumbling in the epigastrium before breakfast ; rubbing sensation in the abdomen, before breakfast, with a pinching anxiety in the intestines ; emission of short, interrupted flatus, sometimes difficult ; copious emission of flatulence.

Constipation, lasting several days.

Constant tenesmus.

Frequent ineffectual desire for stool, or with scanty stool, which passes only part at a time, with violent straining and painful sensation of weakness and tension in the abdominal muscles.

Difficult stool, with cutting, burning, and protrusion of the varices.

Stool hard, as if burned, with slight tenesmus before and after it.

Scanty, tenacious stool, cohering like clay, with long pressing and straining of the abdominal muscles.

Papescent stool in the morning, half digested and somewhat bloody ; afterward, increased tension in the left hypochondrium and loins

Papescent stool in the evening, with ascarides.

Tenesmus, with evacuation of a piece of tape-worm.

Violent, noisy evacuation after dinner, first thin, then solid, expelled in fragments almost pulverulent, with great straining ; after the expulsion he feels a shaking and shuddering, especially in the upper part of the body ; and after rising from stool he feels a slight pain and weakness about the umbilicus ; considerable tenesmus, even when the stool is not hard, and after every stool a violent stitch in the anus, with subsequent cramp-like contraction of the nates, extending toward the small of the back.

Shuddering after stool and urination.

Much discharge of blood from the anus.

Tingling tenesmus in the anus, as if diarrhea would set in, every evening before going to sleep, at the same hour each day.

Burning in the rectum during stool, and, afterward, violent itching.

Violent, dull stitches in front part of the rectum, so that she could cry out.

Urine pale yellow in the morning, clear as water in the afternoon.

Very red urine, with white clouds.

Urine becomes turbid, and leaves a red stain, on the sides of the vessel.


If we cast a glance over all these symptoms, we find here : torpor,, of the intestinal canal distinctly pronounced. The flatulent colic, which is clearly depicted in the symptoms, depends, here, on a paralytic weakness of the whole intestinal tract.


The peristaltic action is diminished ; hence an inordinate development or retention of intestinal gas, and manifold digestive disorders, as consequences.


Eructations, nausea, anorexia, partial or complete, oppression at the stomach, fullness, distension of the stomach and abdomen„ distension of an isolated part of the abdomen and drawing in of the rest, cutting, gnawing, wrenching, gurgling, finally, discharge of flatus, sometimes very troublesome ; constipation, very dry or papescent stools, containing half-digested matter, — all these phenomena furnish clear evidence of the torpidity of the muscular fiber, or, rather, of the diminished activity of the intestinal motor nerves.


Homoeopathists are acquainted with several remedies which develop in. a high degree the signs of flatulence and its attendant difficulties. I mention only for example Colocynth, which is sure to occur to the mind of every homoeopathist when flatulence is mentioned. But the flatulence of Colocynth depends rather on an abnormal composition of the gastric juices, and a vicious bilious secretion ; hence the bitter taste, the green vomiting, the abdominal pain after anger, the altered color of the stools.


The Platina symptoms, on the other hand, indicate by no means an altered composition of the fluids necessary to digestion ; 4nd nothing is left to which to attribute the flatus and other abnormal symptoms of the intestinal canal, save a diminished activity of the intestinal muscular fiber.





Cramp-like feeling of contraction darts suddenly through the head from the right temple to the left ; then, feeling of dullness, as if too tightly bound, with trembling, both sides of the head.

Cramp in the cervical muscles, as if from lying on too bard a pillow ; worse on motion.

Cramp in the hand on exerting it.

The finger is drawn crooked, with painful drawing up in the arm on bending the arm.

At night, after rising, cramp and contraction of the soles of the feet.

Great inclination to violent, almost spasmodic, yawning.

Yawning, afternoon, without sleepiness

Frequent yawning, afternoon, so violent, her eyes overflow.

Violent yawning after a meal, so that the cervical muscles become painful.

A chill runs over the whole body after yawning.

Jerking of the muscles in the legs after walking a little.

Cramp-like jerking here and there in the limbs, like throbbing.

Painful trembling of the whole body, with throbbing in the vessels.

Trembling sensation, at times, through the whole body.

First, a trembling sensation in the hands and feet, then chilliness and violent trembling of the whole body, as if in the most violent chill, with chattering of the teeth, the face at the same time being warm and the hands cold.

The trembling, which, standing midway between spasm and paralysis, is often met with in the pathogenesis of Platina, and is associated in it with many other morbid phenomena, leads us very naturally to disturbances of another nature in the province of the motory nervous system.




Weakness in the nape of the neck ; the head sinks forward.

Weakness in the nape ; she cannot hold up the head.

Relaxed feeling in both arms, as if they had held up something heavy ; diminished by moving them to and fro, but returning immediately when they are at rest, with drawing, as on a thread, from the shoulder to the hand.

Sudden paralysis, as after an apoplectic fit, in a small spot, now of the right, now of the left arm.

Heaviness of the arms.

Feeling as if paralyzed in the left arm ; she has to let it sink down ; much worse when resting the arm on the chair, when sitting, even when leaning the shoulder against the eh air.

Weariness and weakness of the left arm, with drawing in it.

Paralytic feeling in the right fore-arm, drawing from above downward.

Weakness, with trembling disquiet in the thighs, especially toward the knees, as when tried by walking, felt only when sitting.

Weakness in thighs (and whole limbs), as if beaten, with tremulous uneasiness in them, when sitting and standing.

Great weakness in the knee-joints and their neighborhood, more when standing than when walking, worst when going upstairs.

Weakness in the knees when walking, also in the thighs when sitting, as if fatigued by walking.

Tottering when walking, as if the limbs had no firm footing.

Weakness, especially when sitting ; the feet feel as if over-fatigued, and are full of trembling uneasiness.

The phenomena resembling paralysis are much more clearly defined than are the spasmodic affections.

The whole muscular system appears dormant, and seems to have lost its tone.

Even in sitting and leaning the body against a solid object, this weakness and laxity of fiber are significant enough to warrant the conclusion that many forms of disease resembling paralysis must find a remedy in Platina.


Thus, on the motor nerves, our remedy acts as a depressing agent, taking from them their wonted energy and only here and there, through its inroad upon their activity, provoking spasmodic phenomena of slight importance.

Let us now go farther, and see whether the distinctive characteristic of Platina displays itself in any other nervous system subject to the control of the brain.




We have here phenomena of two kinds to consider, — Anesthesia and Pain.




Pensive, numb feeling in the whole sinciput, as after a blow, extending as far as the nasal bone ; numb feeling in the sinciput, as if constricted, in a warm room full of persons, increased after a short time to a violent pressing together, with a sensation as of a dull digging up, with impatience and ill-humor, and heat on the upper part of the body, especially in the head, as if the sweat of anguish would break out ; in the evening, when in the cool air, he feels an unusual heat, and, when beginning to walk, a painful shaking of the brain, as if a ball were knocking against the skull ; afterward the same sensation is felt when lying in bed, accompanied with a slight roaring in the ears ; when the pain abates he falls asleep.

Feeling of coldness, creeping, and numbness in the whole right side of the face.

Cramp-like painful feeling of numbness in the left side of the zygoma.

Pensive feeling of numbness in the zygomata and mastoid processes, as if the- head were compressed by screws.

Feeling of numbness in coccyx, as if after a blow when sitting.

Tensive feeling of numbness in the nape of the neck, just at the occiput, as if bound together.

Sensitive feeling of numbness and trembling of the right thumb, in the morning, as if contused.

Trembling feeling of numbness in the knees, and extending to the feet, as if too tightly bound.

Feeling of numbness, and weakness, and dull pressure on the inner side of the bend of the left knee, when sitting.

Cramp-like jerking of the legs from above downward, with a feeling of stiffness, which is also felt in the feet when sitting, especially in the evening.

Tremulous, creeping uneasiness in the legs when sitting, with feeling of numbness and stiffness, especially increased in the evening, and also in bed.

Feeling of numbness and weariness, in the feeling only, when sitting, as if after standing a long time.




The title character of Platina is clearly depicted in the feelings of dullness and numbness.

Now, even if we assume, with the majority of physiologists, that pain consists in an exalted activity of the sensitive nerve, then, notwithstanding, Platina produces, as we shall see, no small number of painfull sensations, still, paradoxical as this may at first view appear, the general character of Platina, viz., that of depression, is clearly manifested in the form which the Platina pains assume.

No substance which acts on the human body leaves unaffected the sensitive nerves so easily and quickly excitable.

Hence, we find, that in all provings of drugs on the healthy body, a greater or less number of pains occur.

But for the very reason that pain so frequently accompanies the pathological modifications of the organism, it is incapable of serving, in its generality as, pain, as an index for the discovery of the peculiar character of a drug.

If we received it as our guide, we should always, of necessity, infer an increased activity.


It is necessary, therefore, to examine the deteimining conditions in which the pains originate, in order to form an opinion, as to whether the pains are induced by congestion or anaemia, by inflammation, or by a condition of paralysis, etc., etc.

In determining the character of a drug, then, the pains and sensations, inasmuch as they occur almost universally, are to be subordinated and accommodated to the other phenomena.

Perhaps the kind of pain, whether more of a sticking or squeezing, more of a tearing or contracting, more of a pressing or pinching pain, stands in some relation to the nature of the drug which produces the pain, and so may contribute somewhat to the unfolding of the latter.

We shall lay no greater stress, however, on this assumption, which is quite hypothetical, than on this, that the kind of pain depends on the tissue in which it originates.


I will enumerate briefly the various pains and sensations which Platina excites, naming, at the same time, the parts in which they especially occur ; and I have endeavored to indicate, by the order of succession, what kinds of pain occur most frequently, and what kind less often.


Cramp-pain (head, forehead, temples, orbital margins, ears, nose, zygoma, lower maxilla, teeth, fauces, chest, nape, throat, fore-arm, hand, fingers, hips, limbs, thighs, legs, calf, tarsus, heel, toes).

Oppression (head, eyes, nose, zygoma, epigastrium, ribs, genitals, chest, back, shoulders, fore-arm, ham, sole of foot, toes).

Oppression, wave-like,. over the right orbit.

Pressing (forehead, rectum, GENITALS).

Pressing together (forehead).

Pressing inward, cramp-like (temples, vertex).

Tension (temples, orbital margins, globe of the eye, chin, nape, hips, thighs, ham, calf, dorsum of the foot, toes).

Drawing (head, ears, teeth, gullet, epigastrium, abdomen, scapula, hand, finger, thigh, knee, calf, heel).

Drawing together (head, temples, epigastrium, abdomen)

Tenesmus (anus).

Ferking (nose, soles of the feet).

Sticking (head, meatus auditorius, cheeks, gullet, gastric region, abdomen, rectum, precordia, back, axilla ; hand, cruro-tarsal joint, ball of the foot, toes).

Crawling, itching, prickling, tickling (temples, lower maxilla, corners of the eyes, face, nose, tongue, epigastrium, arms, genitals, chest, thyroid region, hand, fingers, thumbs, limbs, knees, ankle-bones, soles of feet, toes).

Chafing (orbital margins, tips of ears, nose, cheeks, parts about the mouth, chin, genitals, scrotum, hand, feet, and soles).

Burning (head, eyes, ears, tongue, region of umbilicus, abdomen, rectum, chest, arm, elbow, hand, knee, toes).

Pain as from a blow or thrust (head, temples, arch of eyebrow, abdomen, coccyx, shoulder, arm, limbs, thighs, knee).

Numbness and feeling as of paralysis (head, cheeks, lips, nose, face, zygoma, chin, coccyx, nape, arm, fore-arm, hand, thumb, limbs, thighs, knees, hollow of the knee, feet).

Feeling of coldness (head, eyes, cheeks, lips, face, chin, scapula, hand).

Throbbing and throbbing pain (teeth, region of stomach,. ribs, fore-arm, legs, toes).

Soreness (eyes, lips, palate, back, legs, ankle-joints, and bones).

Tearing (ears, thigh, dorsum of foot, toes).

Shocks and blows (chin, epigastrium, chest, back, skin, calf).

Startings (ears, chin, legs).

Jerking and jerking pain (upper lip, gastric region. (visible), abdomen, fore-arm, limbs).

Feeling as if burned (upper lip, tongue).

Feeling as if beaten (arm, thigh).

Feeling as if dislocated (knee, ankle).

Feeling as if contused (head, mastoid process, elbow, thumb, knee)..

Pain of excoriation (back, scapula).

Pinching (umbilical region, epigastrium, abdomen).

Dull pains (head, teeth, arm, thigh).

Cutting (abdomen, dorsum of foot).

Digging (forehead, ears, teeth).

Boring (forehead).

Scratching (gullet).


The pain most frequently encountered in Platina provings is cramp-pain.

We meet with this in almost every part of the body.

The following symptoms, for example, present modifications of it.


"Tensive pain in both upper orbital margins, extending to the globe of the eye itself ; they are, as it were, compressed.

"In the left ala nasi cramp-like jerkings at regular intervals ; cramp-like jerkings at regular intervals in a small spot below the external knuckle of the right hand."

The sensation of pressing inward, too, is a very frequent symptoms of Platina.

In addition to the instances in which this is distinctly expressed, the following, among other symptoms, seem to belong to this sensation :


"In the left side of the forehead, a sudden, fugitive pressing inward, as by a dull body.

"Fugitive pain in the middle of the vertex, a pressing inward.

"Dull pain in the right parietal bone, as if a plug were 'forced there.

"In the middle of the back, on the right, near the spine, violent pain, as if a sharp plug were fixed ; on pressing upon it, pain like a sore wound, continuing a long time.

"Behind, on the left mastoid process, pressing pain, as if by a dull instrument ; on pressure, pain as from a contusion.

"On a small spot, above, on the thorax, painful sensation, as if one pressed powerfully on it, with a dull body."

Just as frequent as the cramp-pain is in the muscular tissue, is the feeling of itching in the skin. We find it under various forms, e. g. :


"On the upper margin of the orbit a kind of sore, eating sensation, as if caused by excoriation.

"On the scrotum a frequent sore, corrosive sensation, as if from excoriation by woolen cloth, so that he must change his position frequently, especially when sitting, also when lying in bed ; many days, above and around the ankle-joint and bones, a smarting and sore gnawing sensation ; if, when walking, the clothes strike against the uncovered foot the part pains as if raw and excoriated ; sticking, gnawing in a small spot on the left sole, compelling him to scratch the part.

"Tingling in the nose, as from snuff, or as before epistaxis, compelling him to rub the nose, causing the eyes to water, and inducing a vain desire to sneeze.

"On the knuckles and finger, a burning prickling, as if he had touched stinging nettles, compelling him to scratch vigorously.

"On the left elbow, a kind of sore burning, as if scraped, or abraded by woolen cloth.

"On the right temple, formication, passing down the right side of the cheek and lower jaw, with a sensation of cold.

"Formication and sensation as of a cold breeze in the left hand.

"At a little spot on the left parietal bone, at intervals, a kind of dull, corrosive sticking."


A peculiarity of the itching, burning, prickling, etc., is, that the scratching and rubbing, to which they usually compel the patient, afford only a very brief amelioration.

Nearly related to the cramp-pain of Platina, is the sensation of contraction and constriction, to be found in the following symptoms :

"The head seems to him, as it were, compressed in a frame ; a dull, painful sensation.

"Cramp-pain in the forehead, as if between screws.

"In a somewhat warm room (with many persons), first a feeling of dullness in the sinciput, as if contracted ; this increases more and more to a violent headache, first, in the right temple, later, in the whole head, but always worst in the forehead ; a dull, sometimes dizzy compression, with very cross and impatient humor ; at the same time heat in the upper part of the body, especially the head ; an anxious sweat seems about to break out ; every minute, a flash of heat runs over him ; nothing relieves this condition, which, if it moderate for an instant, returns quickly with violence.

In the evening, when standing in the cool air, he is uncommonly warm (no thirst).

When beginning to walk, after a short rest, the brain is painful, as if shaken, or, as if a sensitive ball, lying loose in the head, struck against the cranial walls. In the evening, in bed, in addition to the dull feeling in the forehead, a roaring in the ears ; then, when the pains abate, he sleeps.

"Tensive, dull feeling in the nape of the neck, just on the occiput, as if tightly bound together.

"A kind of spasmodic contractive sensation darts quickly and suddenly from the right temple, through the head, to the left temple ; later, the head feels numb and trembling on both sides, as if a cloth were wound tightly about it.

"In the left great toe, a painful sensation, as if tightly bandaged."


It is characteristic of the morbid phenomena induced by Platina, that they often appear at regular rhythmical intervals, and, beginning feebly, become more violent, and then again diminish in intensity.

"In the epigastrium, to the left, a few violent, dull stitches like shocks, at long intervals.

"In the left ulna, two inches from the wrist, at intervals, pain in every position, like a kind of jerking, especially in the tendons.

"Below the knee, from the right tibia down, painful shocks at irregular intervals, as from a dull instrument.

"A pressing cramp-pain in the left temple, beginning moderately, and rising and falling in severity.

"In left side of thorax, a cramp-like pain, moderate at first, gradually increasing, and then decreasing.

"On top of the right shoulder, a pain as from a blow, moderate at first, then gradually increasing, and then. decreasing."

A farther peculiarity of the Platina symptoms is that they-become aggravated by sitting and standing, and are alleviated by walking, — a feature agreeing exactly with the general character of the drug.


The following symptoms come under this head :


"When sitting and standing, a painful feeling of weakness-in the whole right limb, especially in the superficial muscles of both thighs, as if beaten, with a tremulous uneasiness.

"When sitting, a dull pain,, as from a fall, in the head of the left thigh.

"Great weakness in the knee-joints and surrounding parts, even when sitting, but especially when standing, making him sway back and forth involuntarily.

"When walking, he feels but little weakness ; but, so soon as he sits, the feet are as if tired, trembling, and full of uneasiness."


Another characteristic of the Platina symptoms is the evening exacerbation.

"Spasmodic jerkings down the left thigh, and feeling of numbness in the legs and feet when sitting, especially in the evening.

"Feeling of fatigue in the soles, with a sensation as if they were swollen around the ankles.

When sitting, the-fatigue ascends gradually into the calves, with a sensation as if they were stretched, in the evening.

"In the afternoon and evening she feels in her worst : humor."

A farther peculiarity of Platina, which should not be overlooked, is that strikingly prominent sensation of cold and

chilliness which, as already stated, attends many phenomena, and often appears independently.

We shall be less likely to regard this chilliness and feeling of coldness as a febrile symptom, or a disturbance in the sphere of the Sympathetic, inasmuch as we perceive no reaction of any kind, — heat, sweat, or change of pulse.


These phenomena of chill and coldness are, here, rather a reflex action on the sensitive nervous system, dependent on the torpor peculiar to this drug. I do not therefore hesitate to cite here the following symptoms :


"Chill, with chattering of the teeth, in the evening, when undressing.

"Constant feeling as if he should freeze, with frequent shuddering down the limbs, especially in the open air, even when it is warm.

"Cold, with shivering over the whole body, down to the feet.

"Cold chill running over the back.

"Shivering from cold, evening.

"Constant shuddering through the whole body, especially the limbs.

"Frequent shuddering from above, down the arm and the whole body, with horripilation.

"A shiver runs over her when she steps from her chamber into the open air.

"Sudden shiver on head, chest, and arms, after entering a warm room.

"Shivering in the forenoon, with drowsiness.

"She becomes suddenly quite warm, and fancies she looks very red, although her complexion is as usual."


I have dwelt at somewhat greater length on the functional affections of the sensitive nerves, because it is in just these effects that many peculiarities and characteristic features of Platina are most strikingly prominent ; for phenomena present themselves here, as we have seen, which serve as important points in the general indications of the remedy.


It only remains, for the sake of completeness, to cite a few symptoms, which, even if of no great importance, yet serve to fill out the picture of the Platina disease. These symptoms relate to the organs of special sense :




"Painful drawing around the left eye, seeing as if through gauze, and sensation as of the eyes being agglutinated.

The eyes are painful when using them in the evening, at candlelight, and when exerting them ; they first itch, obliging her to rub them ; then they suppurate, are very painful, see a tremulous and twinkling light, obliging her to close them, and making it impossible for her to see any object.


"Tingling of the ears ; tingling of the ears, afterward tearing in the same ; whizzing in the ears, with stitches in the head ; noise in the ears, as of the wind blowing into them, increased by the least noise to such an extent that she has great difficulty in hearing others ; roaring in the right ear ; noise in the right ear, as of the wing of a large bird ; dull roaring and rolling in the ear every morning, and afterward every evening after lying down, at the same hour for several weeks ; dull roaring in the right ear, with obtrusion of the head from a sort of cramp-like pressure ; jerks in the, right ear like .distant thunder."


Finally, a few symptoms belonging to the male genital system remain to be cited :


"Erections toward morning.

"Constant erections during sleep, with amorous dreams.

"Constant erections at night without seminal emission, and without many dreams.

"Embrace with little pleasure, and very brief."

These symptoms agree with the general character of Platina.

The erections are, if I may use the expression, passive, and are attended by no desire, hence, erections without emission and embrace of short duration with very little pleasure.


Having thus taken a survey of the general and special sphere of action of Platina, I shall now consider several remedies that are related to it, and briefly refer to the diagnostic difference between them and Platina.


First of all I name Asa foetida.


This remedy, as well as Platina, exhibits many of the phenomena of hysteria, but of an altogether different form of that disease.

Menstruation, too, is rendered more frequent by Asa foetida ; still, however, it remains scanty.


The hysteric perversion of the disposition and morale are clearly induced, it is true, by Asa foetida, and even the globus hystericus is present ; but then Asa foetida fails to induce the disposition to weep, the fear of death, the absent-mindedness, the self-exaltation above others, which are so peculiar to Platina.


The affections of the vegetative nervous system induced by Asa foetida are eminently of a spasmodic nature, as well as those induced by Platina ; but they seem to depend partly upon a peculiar gastric condition and partly on obstructions in the portal system.

Asa foetida affects the periosteum, for which Platina has no affinity at all.


On the other hand, Asa foetida has the trembling, the cramp-like sensations, ceasing and re-appearing at regular intervals, aggravated by sitting, and ameliorated by walking, in common with Platina, although with various modifications and under different conditions.

The paralytic condition is not so clearly developed in the action of Asa foetida.


But the phenomena which most strikingly distinguish Asa foetida from Platina are the symptoms of congestion and fever, which, as we have seen, are altogether wanting to the latter.


Hence it follows, that torpor and inactivity, and prostration of the functions, do not make up the character of Asa foetida ; but, as a rule, most of its effects upon the brain and spinal cord appear to be reflex effects from affections of the vegetative nervous system, whereas the action of Platina upon these central organs is independent and primary.


Crocus, although far more widely different than Asa foetida from Platina, may yet be reckoned among the related remedies, because, perhaps, of its affinity for the female organism, and of its action on the morale and the disposition.


The too early and too copious menstruation and the metrorrhagia which Crocus induces depend, however, on an overloading of the uterine vessels with blood ; hence, the blood is black and clotted ; and, hence, the hemorrhages which occur also in other organs are easily provoked by motion or exertion.


The moral effects are directly opposed to those of Platina.


In the case of the latter we have weeping and fear of death ; in that of the former, laughing and unrestrained merriment ; but the frequent alternation of, cheerfulness and sadness is a feature common to both remedies.


When I add, in conclusion, that the majority of the morbid phenomena of Crocus are induced by congestions, venosity, and other abnormal states of the vascular system, we at once perceive the distinctions between the remedies.


Pulsatilla is in several aspects similar . and related to Platina. But, from the very fact that it is a polychrest, — that is, that it acts in Very many ways, and exerts its healing power in a great number of acute as well as chronic diseases, — the difference of its character from that of Platina may notwithstanding their similarity, be clearly seen.


It would lead me too far to unfold this difference in all its aspects ; this may be done with greater propriety when treating of Pulsatilla.


Only this much I may say : that the similarity of Pulsatilla to Platina is shown most clearly in their respective moral effects, and in their action on the female

sexual system.


But even in these symptoms there are important differences, the psychical effects of Pulsatilla consisting chiefly in fretfulness, complaint, and lamentation, and the disposition to weep which belongs to this remedy, arising rather out of these condition ; whereas, the weeping induced by Platina is a result of apprehensiveness and of weakness of disposition.


With regard to menstruation, Pulsatilla induces a number of abnormal symptoms, retards the menses, and causes a discharge of black clotted blood.

Hence, Pulsatilla is not improperly regarded as antidote to Platina.


Last of all, it remains to mention nonburm aceticum, which shows much resemblance to Platina in its spasmodic and paralytic symptoms ; but whereas in the case of Platina these are primary, in that of Plumbum they are secondary.


On this account, too, Platina is the remedy for certain cases of lead-colic.


These two metals stand almost in the same relation that Arsenic and Carbo vegetabilis hold.


The tendency to decompose everything of an organic nature is common to these two remedies ; but Arsenic induces this decomposition after a previous over-excitement and too strong impression upon the organism, while the peculiarity of inducing decomposition is a part of the primary action of Carbo.


The dose in which Platina may be given is various.


I have generally given the second or third trituration, with the best results ; but I doubt not that it is active in higher potencies, this being attested by the experience of competent physicians.


Carroll Dunham, M. D. (1853)